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Old 08-20-2009, 08:10 AM   #1
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Posts: 18
Default Disabling of hidden SIZE command/DGFS

As mentioned in the help, and this thread, I've tried to use the DGFS ini setting to disable the SIZE command sending, but it doesn't seem to work...
I have all file-exists options set to auto skip, and DGFS=1 in the ini file, but SIZE is still sent..
Why does it even need to know the size, DGFS or not, if you have all sizes set to skip??
3.6.0 build 1240.
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Old 08-22-2009, 07:35 AM   #2
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the SIZE command is used for two things.

1. To determine if the file exists.
2. To retrieve the size of the existing file.

The DGFS ini option only applies to FXP file transfers.

So even though you have all your rules set to skip FlashFXP still needs to determine if the file exists so that it can be skipped.

The next release of FlashFXP has a new option "Request file size/date prior to transfer" by unchecking this option nothing will be sent and FlashFXP will rely solely on the results from the file listing.
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dgfs, ini, set, size, skip

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