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Old 12-05-2006, 06:56 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2006
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Default quick question

i used to use FXP and my dad wanted to buy a decent client so i told him to try FlashFXP
he downloaded the trial yesterday, v3.4.0 (from this site), installed it, when he ran the program a little box would pop up asking for a password, the box title was "FlashFXP Password"
you either had to put in a password or else the program just would not run

hes got version 3.4.0 (trial), i have no clue what the build number is, he downloaded it from inicom.net yesterday
Windows XP
Not behind a router
running windows firewall
yes hes running antivirus

hes never had FXP installed on his computer before, his windows username doesn't have a password or anything
i tried everything, uninstall, reinstall...not much more to try
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Old 12-05-2006, 07:05 PM   #2
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I can't quite explain how the password dialog appeared out of no-where without actually setting one.

But I can tell you what it's for

FlashFXP offers a security feature (Application Password Protection), which can be set from the main menu, Sites > Security. Once a password is set a password dialog will appear on startup prompting for validation before allowing FlashFXP to run.

The only way for this dialog to appear is if a password was set.

From within FlashFXP the password can be cleared (disabled) from the same Security menu.
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flashfxp, fxp, password, trial, windows

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