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Old 11-09-2005, 01:17 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 1
Default new fxp user probs

Hi, I have just bought a xbox to pc cable for my duox2 modded xbox. I get green light at the back of both machines and a connection. But when I start fxp and try to connect to the xbox it all turns to custard. the follwoing is what happens, can someone help me please???
[R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21
[R] Connected to
[R] 220 Please enter your login name now.
[R] USER xbox
[R] 331 Password required for xbox.
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 230 User xbox logged in , proceed.
[R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[R] 502 feat is not implemented.
[R] REST 100
[R] 502 rest is not implemented.
[R] This site may not allow file resuming
[R] CWD /
[R] 250 "/" is current directory.
[R] 257 "/" is current directory
[R] 200 Type set to ASCII.
[R] 502 pasv is not implemented.
[R] PORT 192,168,1,11,5,35
[R] 425 Can't open data connection to
[R] List Error

* FlashFXP v[ 3].[2 ], build [ ], [ ]registered, [x]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [ x] WinXP, [ ] Win2K, [ ] Win98, [ ] WinME, [ ] Other
* Running behind NAT/router [ ] Yes & Model [ ], [ ] No, [ ] Not sure. ethernet cable
* Running firewall [ ] Yes, Name [ ], Ver. [ ], or [ ] No
* Running Antivirus [x ] Yes, Name [Nortons, disabled ] or [ ] No
* Network [ ] xDSL, [ x] CABLE, [ ] Dail-Up, [ ] Other

additional info if related
* FTP server(s) name [ ], version [ ]
* timestamped, and side prefixed FTP log (please paste)
* any other info
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Old 11-09-2005, 02:14 AM   #2
Super Duper
FlashFXP Beta Tester
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Posts: 3,881

you have some type of firewall running.
you need to configure it properly for flashfxp to work correctly.
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flashfxp, ftp, fxp, xbox, [r]

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