View Full Version : showing 98% completet thou it´s 100%

09-15-2007, 11:02 AM
Does anyone have a fix on ioBananas zip-script, caus it often happends that it shows 96 or 98% completete, thou it´s 100%.

So i need to make a rescan all the time on these releases, and it´s annoying.

and it dosent remove the .bad files just creates them.

Any news on the new iobananan release Harm?

ioB 2.0

09-16-2007, 07:52 AM
there is no quick fix

09-17-2007, 04:32 PM
ok. but i really need to sort this.
So how about the long fix ;)

09-17-2007, 05:06 PM
let me rephrase, there is no fix for it