View Full Version : St0rm's scripts

  1. New zipscript coming: stormzs
  2. StormRW - Request Wiper
  3. StormNFO - Logs nfo's
  4. StormNEW - site new command
  5. StormSEARCH - site search command
  6. StormDICE - site dice command
  7. StormRULES - !rules <section> script
  8. StormAPPROVE - site approve command
  9. StormACTIVITY - site activity command
  10. StormLOG - logfile archiver
  11. StormSHOWNFO - 'site nfo' command
  12. StormCASINO - 'site dice' and 'site roulette' script
  13. StormTRANSFER - site transfer script
  14. StormQUOTA - quota script for ioFTPD
  15. STORMRules 1.1
  16. Help with stormquota script
  17. Scripts gone?
  18. Where to download scripts?
  19. Anyone still got these scripts?