FlashFXP: Help File (Online Edition)

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Key Manager




All installed X.509 Certificates, RSA keys, or DSA keys will appear in this list.


Clicking this button will bring up the Create New Certificate dialog to allow you to create your own SSL Certificate, RSA key, or DSA key.


Clicking this button will bring up the Import Certificate dialog to allow you to import SSL Certificates, RSA keys, and DSA keys.


A couple additional features are available to certificates and keys displayed in the list.


Right-click on the item and then from the popup menu.


Will allow you to export the selected certificate or key.
SSL Keys can be exported in Base64 or DER formats.
RSA and DSA keys can be exported in PuTTY, OpenSSH SSH-2, or ssh.com SSH-2 format.



Will allow you to replace the existing certificate or key with a new one.


Will allow you to delete the selected certificate or key.


Last modified: Tuesday, January 24, 2017

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