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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 973 Category: General / Unknown
Title: auto complete on site raw command is buggy , jumps to the end Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Medium Version: 5.0.0

Senior Member
10-01-2014, 02:36 PM
auto complete on site raw command is buggy , jumps to the end

using latest 3775 build, and trying some raw commands which are longer than the line, it's annoying to have auto-fill which "tries to help me" to auto-fill , but this auto-filling is buggy, if you used a previous "long command" and then you again use some similar command and start typing it jumps to the end.

please fix., or complete disable or have this optionally be turn on/off in options while not everyone likes auto-complete

Senior Member
10-01-2014, 02:39 PM
Re: auto complete on site raw command is buggy , jumps to the end

again , to better describe if you keep on typing and dont look at the dropdown field which is auto-completed then it works and changes the input , but it's annoying cause you dont "see" what you write.

also i would prefer a usability to "delete" entries as working on browsers, e.g. sometimes you want to delete wrongly typed in logins on webmail accounts or something, and then you mark the entry and hit "delete", would be nice to delete some wrongly entered raw command.

please fix
Senior Member
10-01-2014, 02:41 PM
Re: auto complete on site raw command is buggy , jumps to the end

FlashFXP Developer
10-01-2014, 08:59 PM
Re: auto complete on site raw command is buggy , jumps to the end

Is the auto-complete issue you are experiencing a new issue specific to this update or is it possible that this issue existed in previous v5.0 builds?

I don't use raw commands very often but while implementing the new and extended the raw commands I questioned the the auto-complete behavior a couple times. It seemed a bit quirky to me however many times I am doing things quickly and then I'm left wondering if it was human error on my part or something else.

I tested what you said about long commands and it appears that the visual text jumps to the end but the cursor position stays in the correct position, I agree that this behavior is unsatisfactory.

I am going turn off auto-complete until I can get a better handle on what's exactly going on.

I'll see about adding a way to delete individual entries from the command list for future updates.
Senior Member
10-02-2014, 05:34 AM
Re: auto complete on site raw command is buggy , jumps to the end

no in v4 portable (latest june) there was not this issue, otherwise i wouldnt have reported ;-)

anyways, yes as told the cursor "stays" in place but is hidden if writing a too long command,

i would prefer delete option of wrong commands in history (history only stays for the current session, perhaps a global history would be "nice" ) ,

btw : i upgraded 3771 on my other client to 3776, and only Releasenotes of 3775 were stated, perhaps you can add always the latest releasenotes e.g. in a short history , i think 3776 is some cowboy-build perhaps fixing only 1-2 issues which were not important to state in releasenotes, but it's nice to read about fixed issues everytime during this long beta period.

im happy to report any further bug aswell to you ,

FlashFXP Developer
10-02-2014, 08:56 AM
Re: auto complete on site raw command is buggy , jumps to the end

In FlashFXP v5.0 we introduced native Unicode support and this required replacing every visual control used in FlashFXP.

Also v4.x did not perform auto-complete. The replacement control used in v5.0 provided this awkward feature by default.

I was in a rush to get build 3776 tested and released and in the chaos I overlooked updating the text shown in the update dialog. I have since updated it.

There is currently an unsupported ini-only setting to enable FlashFXP to save and remember the raw command history.

Open FlashFXP.ini

Under the [main] section add the following


You can also set the max number of items to keep


This enables saving the command history and limits the number of items items to 25. To undo this operation simply remove the two lines from the FlashFXP.ini
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