After updating to the latest build (4.4.4 build 2046) I'm no longer able to connect to my server via SFTP over SSH. I'm using a 2048 bit RSA key in PuTTY format. Exact same issue as described in
this thread for v5 beta only difference being that the selected key is actually saved in Site Manager. I see it's been fixed in the beta but I prefer to stick with the stable release build.
[13:57:55] [R] Connected to XXXXX
[13:57:55] [R] Host key algorithm ssh-RSA, size 2048 bits.
[13:57:55] [R] Fingerprint (MD5): 91:f2:8f:1a:84:27:b6:25:b1:33:60:e1:9b:87:54:4b
[13:57:55] [R] Key exchange: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1. Session encryption: aes256-ctr, MAC: hmac-sha1, compression: none.
[13:57:55] [R] SSH Error: failed to negotiate authentication method []
[13:57:55] [R] SSH Connection closed
[13:57:55] [R] Connection failed