SFTP over SSH Time Zone/Daylight Saving Time issue
* FlashFXP v[4].[4].[4], build [2046 ], [X]registered, [ ]unregistered, [ ]pirated
* OS [X] Windows 8, [ ] Windows 7, [ ] WinXP, [ ] Other (specify)
* Running behind hardware router/firewall [X] Yes & Model [Arris DG860A], [ ] No, [ ] Not sure
* Running software firewall [ ] Yes, Name [ ], Ver. [ ], or [X] No
* Running Antivirus [ ] Yes, Name [ ] or [X] No
* Internet Connection [ ] DSL, [X] CABLE, [ ] Other(specify)
* FTP server(s) name [glftpd], version [2.04 ]
I found out 2 file time stamp issues when you use SFTP over SSH:
1. If you change the Time Zone the displayed time stamps won't change. You can select any zone but Flashfxp will "Attempt to Auto-Discover Time Offset", even if you select "User Server Time" or any zone.
2. The displayed time is still wrong because of flashfxp trying to calculate the difference using daylight saving time when the file wasn't created during Daylight Saving Time.
3. This behavior doesn't occur when you use any of the other FTP options, like FTP using Explicit SSL.
From the shell using the command "ls -la -t --time-style=full-iso" :
-rw-r--r-- 1 152 xxxxx 15669 2014-02-23 01:31:23.356252086 +0100 read.txt
Right time:
On FlashFXP with FTP using Explicit SSL (Auth TLS) and Time Zone (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam
I'm located in the US Central Time (UTC-06:00):
read.txt 15,669 2/22/2014 6:31 PM
7 hours difference
Wrong time:
On FlashFXP with SFTP over SSH and Time Zone (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam / User Server Time / Auto-Discover Time Offset/ etc.... Again, I'm located in the US Central Time (UTC-06:00):
read.txt 15,669 2/22/2014 7:31 PM
6 hours difference.
Thank you,