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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 923 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: FlashFXP 4.4.3 File Transfer Rules not working 100% properly Status: Closed (Not a bug)
Severity: Minor Version: 4.4

Junior Member
01-03-2014, 06:08 AM
FlashFXP 4.4.3 File Transfer Rules not working 100% properly

Would like to start by wishing you and all the users in here a great 2014.

Probable FlashFXP 4.4.3 bug:
(some background info)

I have a PrestaShop online store hosted on a dedicated server (CentOs 6.4 / Plesk) and although there other forms of daily backup in place I am cautious and frequently do a FTP transfer of all the files (and databases) from the dedicated server to a notebook (Windows 7).
Basically I click on the prestashop folder on the dedicated server and click Transfer.

As there is no need to everytime re-transfer all the files I have set a few File Transfer Rules:
1. If Size is Equal AND Time is Equal then Skip
(if there's no change to a file obviously no need to transfer)

2. If Size is Different AND Time is Newer then Overwrite
(file is changed and newer on the dedicated server to transfer/overwrite)

The next rule was created due to the differences between linux (CentOs) and Windows, some text files although not changed always show different sizes on the dedicated server and on the notebook, hence rule number 3

3. If Time is Equal then Skip
(even if the size "supposedly" changed if the Time/Date remains the same then do not transfer)

I have also set FlashFXP to ASK if not rules match.

I was hoping to have no prompts but everytime I do this transfer I get a window telling me a file already exists and its larger on the notebook and also mentions its newer (date and time is more recent) on the dedicated server.

This file is indeed newer and should be automatically transferred/overwrite as it falls under rule 2 criteria.

I can obviously work around this by changing the file transfer rules but as it seems a small bug I thought I should report it.
I'll include some print-screens.

<edited by admin; removed screenshot which included the about box to hide serial number>

Best Regards,
FlashFXP Developer
01-03-2014, 10:50 AM
Re: FlashFXP 4.4.3 File Transfer Rules not working 100% properly


Thank you for your bug report.

In the future please avoid posting any screenshots that include your flashfxp serial number (this was shown in the about box)

I am reviewing this issue and will report back with my findings.
FlashFXP Developer
01-03-2014, 11:18 AM
Re: FlashFXP 4.4.3 File Transfer Rules not working 100% properly

I think the problem is rule #2

If size is different and time is newer then overwrite.

This logic applies when comparing against the destination file and in your case the destination file is older; the file you are transferring is newer.

So the correct evaluation would then be
If size is different and time is older then overwrite.

The rules always evaluate using if destination(existing) file logic.
Junior Member
01-07-2014, 03:37 AM
Re: FlashFXP 4.4.3 File Transfer Rules not working 100% properly


Thank you for your quick reply and I apologise for the serial number on the screenshot, I did not realise that sensitive info was in there.

As in regards to the issue I can see what you are saying. I was using the logic on "if the remote file being evaluated for transfer is newer then transfer/overwrite" but FlashFXP always refers to the existing (local) file so the rule should be "if the existing file is older then transfer/overwrite.

Thank you for your help and very quick reply.

Best Regards,
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