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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 901 Category: General / Unknown
Title: connect Status: Closed
Severity: Critical Version: 4.4

Junior Member
08-19-2013, 03:05 PM

I can not connect on any ftp server with the same config since more than 1 year.

I proceed to a reinstall of windows 7 , all my connections are ok but not FlasFxp. I did not chane anything.
I tried to desactivate firewall, DMZ, open all ports but nothing to do, still unable to connect on any ftp server
Senior Member
08-19-2013, 03:50 PM
Re: connect

Welcome to forums

Try the default sites, do they connect? No? Get us timestamped logs for these tries and post them here.

We would require more information, in order to attempt to make a hint of educated guess to your situation which, as you describe is impossible to guess anything and makes helping difficult.

Please read this fully https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/flashf...e-posting.html

Provide timestamped logs and server logs if possible/applicable. along with pertinent information that may help us, help you. like what site your connecting to and what settings your using etc.

IF you can provide connection details to me or bigstar to this server we can test and let you know.
Any login info send it to us via PM. Other stuff post it here pls.
FlashFXP Developer
08-20-2013, 01:26 PM
Re: connect

Did you re-install FlashFXP after re-installing Windows?

If yes, did you install the current version of FlashFXP? If not I highly recommend you do that.
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