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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 889 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Disappearing/Reappearing Folders on Refresh Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Major Version: 4.4

Junior Member
06-26-2013, 02:50 PM
Disappearing/Reappearing Folders on Refresh

I have reported this bug before with no acknowledgement from FlashFXP. After connecting, the list displays all folders and files, then a second later the list refreshes and all of the folders are gone. Clicking Refresh brings back the folders. Clicking Refresh again removes the folders. Logging shows that the same number of bytes is received each time. Let me know what other information you need. I can also take a video of it to show you what is happening. I was hoping your new release would have fixed it, but it didn't. I am running 4.4.1989. This needs to get fixed as it is very aggravating to the point I don't know if I can trust what is being displayed.

My email is censored.
Serial Number: censored

Edited by Admin: Never post this information to a public support area.
Senior Member
06-26-2013, 05:47 PM
Re: Disappearing/Reappearing Folders on Refresh

This is the second (duplicate) report you made about this issue and you have been asked for informations which you have not yet provided.

See https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/tracke...cker_bugid=854 and answer that question there and here too please.

Thank you in advance.
FlashFXP Developer
06-26-2013, 11:00 PM
Re: Disappearing/Reappearing Folders on Refresh

A video would be quite helpful to determine exactly what's going on, however please do not post the video publically use the contact us link and a copy of your flashfxp.ini configuration file might be needed just in case you're using some unusual configuration.
Junior Member
08-05-2013, 10:15 AM
Re: Disappearing/Reappearing Folders on Refresh

My apologies. I didn't realize that when I sent a support request through the Contact Us page it was put into the public forum and then only answered through the public forum. I was expecting a response through email. I have created an MP4 video to show you exactly what is a happening. However, I do not see anything on the Contact Us page for uploading the video.
FlashFXP Developer
08-05-2013, 11:23 AM
Re: Disappearing/Reappearing Folders on Refresh

Support requests sent through the "contact us" link are private and directly with OpenSight Software technical support.

Support requests via the bug tracker are public and available for everyone to view and/or reply.

You're correct that the contact us method does not allow for direct file attachments, but since this method is done via email attachments are possible; though only after contact. Typically these types of support requests are better suited for direct support and I would of responded requesting the same information as I did above and you would of been able to attach your images/videos in your reply.
FlashFXP Developer
08-07-2013, 03:08 PM
Re: Disappearing/Reappearing Folders on Refresh

Working with Dave directly we were able to resolve this issue and the fix is included in 4.4.0 build 1993.

The problem was caused by the OS/400 directory listing format combined with a lookup function that expected the relative folder name to not contain any slashes and this combination caused the entry to be dropped when a refresh list was performed.

While this specific issue is resolved further testing is necessary to determine if there are any other situations or directory listing formats that might lead to the disappearing/reappearing directory list glitch. It would not surprise me if there are.
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