SSL handshake error that is present in 3.6 (RC 2) that isn't present in 3.4 final.
on 3.6. RC2 if you open flash and try to connect to a SSL enabled FTP you get the following error message
[R] 220 DrFTPD 2.0.4
[R] 234 AUTH SSL successful
[R] Connected. Negotiating SSL session..
[R] error:140773E8:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:reason(1000)
[R] Failed SSL negotiation, disconnected
[R] Connection failed (Connection closed by client)
For some strange reason, this only happens the very first time you try to connect after loading flashfxp and subsequent tries work fine. Also, if you go to a non-ssl enabled FTP first and then go to a SSL enabled one it works fine.
This error isn't present in version 3.4 final, but i need to run 3.6 RC2 as it introduces fixes for many vista specific issues (see my previous bug reports).
I've tried using the SSL .dll files from the 3.4 release to see if it is an issue with these, but they continue to produce the same error.