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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 859 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: No overwrite prompt on transfer when connection was lost Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Medium Version: 4.3 stable

Junior Member
04-16-2013, 11:13 AM
No overwrite prompt on transfer when connection was lost

Hi there,

I think I encountered a small bug:

Whenever I leave a transfer window open, long enough to loose the server connection, and then try to upload a file (from local) which already exists on the remote server, FlashFXP will overwrite that file without ANY prompt whatsoever after it reconnects to the server, regardless of my settings (which are: "if no rules match then: ASK". I have not specified any other rules. So it should ask at any time.
FlashFXP Developer
04-16-2013, 12:09 PM
Re: No overwrite prompt on transfer when connection was lost

Please let me know if this is 100% accurate:

1. Connect to a ftp server.
2. Queue a local file from for upload, a file that already exists on the ftp server.
3. Wait for the connection to timeout.
4. Once the connection times out try to upload the file.

Is this correct?

Do you have remote folder caching enabled either globally or for this specific site profile?

Now in the Preferences dialog under Connection / Folder cache
do you have the option "refresh on file transfer" checked?

In the File Transfer Rules dialog, do you have the option "Request file size/date prior to transfer" checked?
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