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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 848 Category: General / Unknown
Title: Sun SFTP Speed Issue Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Minor Version: 4.3 stable

Junior Member
03-20-2013, 01:45 PM
Sun SFTP Speed Issue

Transferring files from Windows 7 machine to a Sun Machine via Sun SSH is slow in comparison to competitors clients. I had this addressed once before, and the problem was fixed, but it has slowed to a crawl again, so maybe the code was removed?

Summary: Transferring 76.56 MB in 9 minutes 43 seconds (134.6 KB/s) via FlashFXP, and 12 seconds in Filezilla.

Log Files from FlashFXP:
FlashFXP 4.3.0 (build 1946)
Support Forums http://forum.flashfxp.com
Winsock 2.2 -- OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
[R] Connecting to Web MKaP -> DNS=mkap58.xxx.xx.xxxxxx.com IP=131.xxx.xxx.xxx PORT=22
[R] Connected to Web MKaP
[R] Host key algorithm ssh-RSA, size 1024 bits.
[R] Fingerprint (MD5): e5:f8:98:21:ec:67:c4:3f:c5:a1:9c:79:56:8a:5b:09
[R] Key exchange: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1. Session encryption: aes128-cbc, MAC: hmac-sha1, compression: none.
[R] ################################################################################
[R] #                                                                              #
[R] #  This computer system is the property of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.  Unauthorized  #
[R] #  access and improper use is prohibited.                                      #
[R] #                                                                              #
[R] #  Any activity on the system is subject to monitoring by the Company at any   #
[R] #  time. Anyone who uses the system consents to such monitoring and agrees     #
[R] #  that the Company may use the results of such monitoring without limitation. #
[R] #                                                                              #
[R] ################################################################################
[R] Auth Type: Keyboard-interactive
[R] Keyboard Authentication Requested. Prompt (1) "Password: "
[R] Keyboard Authentication, Password Sent.
[R] Authentication succeeded
[R] SSH Connection open
[R] Connection established with Sun_SSH_1.1.1.1 (SFTP v3)
[R] SFTP Connection Ready
[R] Changed Directory to: /data/web1/appsd/docs/www/
[R] Retrieving file list...
[R] List Complete: 10 KB in 0.08 second (10.7 KB/s)
[R] Changed Directory to: /data/web1/appsd/docs/www/
[R] Retrieving file list...
[R] List Complete: 5 KB in 0.07 second (5.6 KB/s)
[R] Changed Directory to: /data/web1/appsd/docs/www/
[R] Retrieving file list...
[R] List Complete: 8 KB in 0.10 second (8.6 KB/s)
[R] Retrieving file list...
[R] List Complete: 8 KB in 0.07 second (8.6 KB/s)
[R] Uploading: /data/web1/appsd/docs/www/6.04.99.msi
Upload: 6.04.99.msi 76.56 MB in 9 minutes 43 seconds (134.6 KB/s)
[R] Retrieving file list...
[R] List Complete: 8 KB in 0.06 second (8.6 KB/s)
Transfer queue completed
Transferred 1 File (76.56 MB) in 10 minutes 13 seconds (127.9 KB/s)
[R] Logged off: Web MKaP (Duration: 13 minutes 21 seconds)

Log file from Filezilla
Response:	fzSftp started
Command:	open "mrsk@mkap58.xxx.xx.xxxxxx.com" 22
Command:	Pass: ********
Status:	Connected to mkap58.xxx.xx.xxxxxx.com
Status:	Starting upload of E:\Working\webupdate\6.04.99.msi
Command:	cd "/data/web1/appsd/docs/www/"
Response:	New directory is: "/data/web1/appsd/docs/www/"
Command:	put "E:\Working\webupdate\6.04.99.msi" "6.04.99.msi"
Status:	local:E:\Working\webupdate\6.04.99.msi => remote:/data/web1/appsd/docs/www/6.04.99.msi
Status:	File transfer successful, transferred 80,216,064 bytes in 12 seconds
Status:	Retrieving directory listing...
Command:	ls
Status:	Listing directory /data/web1/appsd/docs/www/
Status:	Directory listing successful
FlashFXP Developer
03-21-2013, 11:15 AM
Re: Sun SFTP Speed Issue

Please try this update.

It looks like one of the global changes we made to increase the overall compatibility hurt the performance with sun SFTP when combined with our previous tweaks for Sun SFTP


With this change I am seeing 13MB/s vs 300kb/s with build 1947 on my OpenSolaris VM.

Unzip the flashfxp.exe into your flashfxp program folder.
Junior Member
03-22-2013, 10:42 AM
Re: Sun SFTP Speed Issue

Upload: 6.04.99.msi 76.56 MB in 8 seconds (9.28 MB/s)

MUCH better! Thank you so much for fixing this! I use this server regularly, so large file performance is pretty important to me.

Your work is highly appreciated
Junior Member
03-22-2013, 10:42 AM
Re: Sun SFTP Speed Issue

darn.. didnt see the close bug on reply, closing
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