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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 826 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: new license key required - not working if portable executed from network share Status: Closed
Severity: Minor Version: 4.3 RC 2

Senior Member
02-13-2013, 06:23 AM
new license key required - not working if portable executed from network share

if copying the portable folder local HDD then the fetch of license is working.

any ideas why it's not working from network share?

i will provide screenshot

FlashFXP Developer
02-13-2013, 09:11 AM
Re: new license key required - not working if portable executed from network share

Which specific build are you using? If its not the latest (build 1932) please try that and let me know.
Senior Member
02-13-2013, 09:16 AM
Re: new license key required - not working if portable executed from network share

im using latest build same behaviour. If copying the portable folder locally - i dont understand why the key is placed somewhere "outside" the folder - this is totally against portable , everytime i move the folder to somewhere else i have to re-register/download the key.. why ?

attached screenshot made from older 1923 build when executing from home-folder from Windows2008 share..

Senior Member
02-13-2013, 09:26 AM
Re: new license key required - not working if portable executed from network share

something what i dont understand is : in the ffxp portable folder there the file : flashfxp.key

so why i have to re-download the key if moving the "portable" folder to some other destination ? imagine you would have no :80 access (not sure how it downloads the key) and only e.g. FTP access to outside.

should be changed...the license process. (re-download process..)

again : if moving the local portable folder now to my network home folder , and execute flashfxp.exe , then it says "new license key required".. :

then you click "get key" .. results in : (the green bar is loading quite long and restarts from beginning to load...) :

and results in error ...

if now click "cancel" and move that folder to my local HDD back.. everything works fine again (but have to re-download the key with success).

whats wrong on network shares ? not intended ? should/could work ? ;-)

Senior Member
02-13-2013, 09:28 AM
Re: new license key required - not working if portable executed from network share

after clicking cancel upon the failure i get "unregistered" again :

so i dont understand why not everything is saved in the portable folder as portable tools intend to work or ?

strange.. btw. have to say : i started with version 2.x of ffxp, so im always using my old 2.x and 3.x keyblock copy/pasted into an old file to register the portable app... i paste everything into the window and then it says "re-download new key"..

perhaps this causes the tool not to proper functioning regarding licensing process ? not sure..
FlashFXP Developer
02-13-2013, 10:16 AM
Re: new license key required - not working if portable executed from network share

I did some research and tested several earlier versions of FlashFXP.

What I found was that this behavior appears to be consistent in all version 4.x releases.

I suspect that if you view your v4.x license key from the customer portal and then enter it in the copy of FlashFXP executed from the network share, it will then accept and save the license key.

If the copy of FlashFXP running from the network share had internet access it would of been able to retrieve the new updated license key and saved you a couple steps.

The portable edition does store the license key in the flashfxp.key file but you must register FlashFXP after moving it to its final destination (be it a usb portable drive or network share) If you try to copy the portable edition folder from one device to another it may or may not require you to re-enter the license key.
Senior Member
02-13-2013, 10:29 AM
Re: new license key required - not working if portable executed from network share

Originally Posted by bigstar
I did some research and tested several earlier versions of FlashFXP.

I suspect that if you view your v4.x license key from the customer portal and then enter it in the copy of FlashFXP executed from the network share, it will then accept and save the license key.

If the copy of FlashFXP running from the network share had internet access it would of been able to retrieve the new updated license key and saved you a couple steps.
while im sitting on same client which has the same internet access as while executing the file from local HDD it must be some other problem here.

well i will fetch latest 4.x license so hopefully this is gone then... just wanted to report this.

FlashFXP Developer
02-13-2013, 01:37 PM
Re: new license key required - not working if portable executed from network share

I reviewed the logic and code used to retrieve the updated license key and I was unable to find any issues with it, perhaps windows firewall or something is blocking the request?

I know that windows increases security and warnings for files run from network shares, perhaps the same is true for executable trying to connect out over the internet as well?

I did some testing on my machines and I was not able to reproduce the 'connection timeout' failure when running the portable edition from a network share.

I tested using a mapped and unmapped drive letter.

I However do not use windows firewall, I have ESET Smart Security v6.0 installed on this machine.
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