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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 819 Category: General / Unknown
Title: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916 Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Critical Version: 4.3 RC 2

Junior Member
01-20-2013, 09:53 AM
Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Windows 7 X64 SP1
I have FlashFXP installed into C:\UTIL\FLASHFXP

I start FlashFXP43_1916_Setup.exe
Accept admin request.
Uncheck check for updated version.
Click Next on License Agreement.
Click Next on What's New.
I select 'personal settings and profiles for each individual users'.
I specify C:\UTIL\FLASHFXP\ as destination dir.
I disable File Associations.
After I click Next, nothing happens, the installer hangs.
If I click on any part of the window again, the crash occurs.

Tried 5 times with various options on/off, 5 times it crashed.
I marked it as Critical as it prevents using the software as a whole.
Thank you for fixing!

Here's the copy of the error message:
  A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	AppHangB1
  Application Name:	FlashFXP_Setup.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	50c69546
  Hang Signature:	cc50
  Hang Type:	0
  OS Version:	6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:	1033
  Additional Hang Signature 1:	cc50ce348ee4f666deb2f8aec8133db9
  Additional Hang Signature 2:	8270
  Additional Hang Signature 3:	8270c2c68798ec2153034754f5a56f45
  Additional Hang Signature 4:	cc50
  Additional Hang Signature 5:	cc50ce348ee4f666deb2f8aec8133db9
  Additional Hang Signature 6:	8270
  Additional Hang Signature 7:	8270c2c68798ec2153034754f5a56f45

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FlashFXP Developer
01-20-2013, 11:23 AM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Thank you for your bug report.

Can you please try this updated installer setup package


If it hangs like the original installer please run the installer with the following command line

<setup.exe> /l=<path to logfile>

and then reply with the log or you can send it to me via a private message if desired.
Junior Member
01-20-2013, 02:04 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Ran both of these once:
FlashFXP43_1916_Setup(1).exe -l=.\log.log
FlashFXP43_1916_Setup(1).exe -l log.log
In both cases, the result is crash and there's no log saved (at least not at any locations I checked).

  A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	AppHangB1
  Application Name:	FlashFXP_Setup.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	50c69546
  Hang Signature:	233a
  Hang Type:	0
  OS Version:	6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:	1033
  Additional Hang Signature 1:	233abbaae8de7c8ef4fbd0819873c338
  Additional Hang Signature 2:	c61f
  Additional Hang Signature 3:	c61f5eee34aa6038412e929546a43f9d
  Additional Hang Signature 4:	233a
  Additional Hang Signature 5:	233abbaae8de7c8ef4fbd0819873c338
  Additional Hang Signature 6:	c61f
  Additional Hang Signature 7:	c61f5eee34aa6038412e929546a43f9d

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FlashFXP Developer
01-20-2013, 02:10 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Perhaps I wasn't clear enough with the command line

You need to use the complete absolute path using .\log.log doesn't work

Using the same filename as you used above it would be something like this

"FlashFXP43_1916_Setup(1).exe" /l=c:\log.log

Is c:\ a local hard drive, or is it any special type of drive, i.e. an encrypted drive image.

The installer doesn't appear to perform any special processing between this section and the next so I am quite puzzeled as to why its freezing right at this spot, The next screen displays a confirmation for the user to review the configuration before actually performing the installation.

I have successfully tested the installer on Windows 2000, Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP2, and Windows 8.

Perhaps there is a conflict with some other software installed on your machine?

Could you please try the portable edition, please make sure you install it into a temporary location and not into your existing installation folder.


Updated download link
Junior Member
01-20-2013, 02:42 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Using your command line I got a log, please find it here.

Everything installs fine on this machine (games, office, a handful of apps/tools).
It seems you're using a non-standard installer however; perhaps it is not fully compliant/bug-free.

I get a 404 on the download link for the portable version.

Is there a package without the installer?
One that I could just unpack, overwriting the old ones?
The older installers worked fine; I can live with just replacing the files.
FlashFXP Developer
01-20-2013, 03:49 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Sorry I fixed the portable download link, in my haste I goofed up the url.
Junior Member
01-20-2013, 08:17 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

The portable version installed just fine into a directory other than the current install dir.
Can I replace the binaries from this?
FlashFXP Developer
01-21-2013, 08:54 AM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

We use InstallAware for our installation packages, lastnight they released an update, I have recompiled our installer, can you please try this updated installer first.


Copying over the flashfxp.exe might cause problems updating down the road since the registry entries required for the standard installation will be missing, but otherwise it should work.
Junior Member
01-21-2013, 05:11 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

The latest installer still crashes. :-(

Any chance to notify them with the crash report?
Maybe get a special debug version that would create a detailed log?

Ok, thanks. Can I feed the current config into the portable version somehow?
Then I would not need to use the non-portable installer.
That would not solve the problem, but I would have usable workaround.

Thank you!
FlashFXP Developer
01-21-2013, 11:00 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

The hang crash report doesn't really provide me with any usable information since I create the installer via a scripting language and the developer of InstallAware is currently on vacation.

I have created a new setup with about 100 debug messages, one roughly every 10 lines.

These debug messages print the current line number of the script to a log file, this should allow us to narrow down the lock up based on the last entry in the log file.

You can download it here

Run it with the command line setup_debug.exe FULLDEBUG=c:\log.txt

This will create a file named log.txt in c:\ with the debug info.

Please paste this info in you reply.

I appreciate your time and effort in help us get this resolved, hopefully we can narrow it down and get it fixed ASAP.
Junior Member
01-22-2013, 09:57 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Here you go:
Installer started
line 10
line 20
line 30
line 40
line 50
line 60
line 70
line 80
line 90
line 110
line 140
line 163
line 170
line 215
line 260
line 298
line 332
line 375
line 506
line 512
line 551
line 558
line 580
line 586
line 623
line 629
line 672
line 685
line 691
line 709
line 715
line 734
line 751
FlashFXP Developer
01-23-2013, 08:38 AM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Thank you very much.

This has allowed me to narrow the problem down to 4 specific lines of code which basically ensures that the destination paths have have trailing (\) slashes.

The existing code should of worked and why it fails is beyond me at this point, I have completely rewritten the code to use another method of ensuring the trailing slashes.

Hopefully this resolves the lockup you experienced.

Please try this update

Use FULLDEBUG=c:\log.txt like the last just in case it doesn't resolve the issue.
Junior Member
01-23-2013, 03:04 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Thank bigstar, unfortunately it still crashes.
Here's the new log:
Installer started
line 10
line 20
line 30
line 40
line 50
line 60
line 70
line 80
line 90
line 110
line 140
line 163
line 170
line 215
line 260
line 298
line 332
line 375
line 506
line 512
line 551
line 558
line 580
line 586
line 623
line 629
line 672
line 685
line 691
line 709
line 715
line 734
line 751
USER_DATA_DIR = C:\Users\Cs\AppData\Roaming\FlashFXP\4\
line 766
USER_DATA_DIR = C:\Users\Cs\AppData\Roaming\FlashFXP\4\
FlashFXP Developer
01-23-2013, 03:28 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Doh! okay but there is some good news.. That extra debug info has spotted the problem.

What's happening is that the GLOBAL_DATA_DIR variable isn't being set correctly, for some reason your registry/system/configuration has created a situation that we aren't handling correctly. I have changed the installer script to set the GLOBAL_DATA_DIR variable to a default value right off the bat and then update it later based on certain conditions.

Below is a fix and this should work 100%


Update: Fixed url
Junior Member
01-23-2013, 07:14 PM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Indeed, it worked like a charm!
Thank you!
FlashFXP Developer
01-24-2013, 08:49 AM
Re: Installer crash prevents installation of FlashFXP 4.3 b1916

Thank you for confirming the issue is now resolved.
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