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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 818 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Local Browser Status: Closed
Severity: Minor Version: 4.3 RC 2

Junior Member
01-18-2013, 08:45 AM
Local Browser

Version: 4.3.0 (build 1916)

BUG 1: After change or rename file(s) manual refresh on keyboard (F5) not working. Local browser is refreshed only if I click to local browser window with right button on mouse and then click on refresh in pop up menu. Manual on keyboard not works.

BUG 2: If transfering file on FTP its not possible rename file in local browser. Fast 2x click on mouse not working. Before works. This function not working in this and before version (4.3.0)
FlashFXP Developer
01-18-2013, 10:26 AM
Re: Local Browser

Thank you for your bug report.

What version of Windows are you using?

I am not able to reproduce either of these issues on Windows 7 x64.
Junior Member
01-20-2013, 12:44 AM
Re: Local Browser

I'm using Win7 64bit
FlashFXP Developer
01-20-2013, 11:07 AM
Re: Local Browser

On bug #1 are you renaming the files within FlashFXP?

Are you using the compare folder content feature in FlashFXP?

If you just select the local browser pane and then press F5 does it refresh?
The F5 keyboard shortcut is applied based on the selected browser pane.

This question applies to both bugs.

Are the files located on a local hard drive, or a special location such as a mapped network share, UNC path, removable drive?

On bug #2 are you downloading lots of files or is this during a the transfer of a single file?

I noticed that if you're downloading many small files to the current folder; the automatic file list updates make it nearly impossible to do quick click to rename with the mouse. Perhaps this is what you're experiencing?

One thing I can do to avoid this issue is to delay any automatic file list updates for at least 500ms after any keyboard/mouse input. While this wont solve it completely, as long as the first and second click occur within 500ms it should allow the user to rename, alternatively F2 should always work.
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