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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 817 Category: General / Unknown
Title: SSH not working on 1911 Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Critical Version: 4.3 RC 2

Junior Member
01-16-2013, 07:26 AM
SSH not working on 1911

SFTP over SSH is not working for me on 1911. I notice that the box does not pop up asking me for the password (Its not saved) and I get the following error:

FlashFXP 4.3.0 (build 1911)
Support Forums http://forum.flashfxp.com
Winsock 2.2 -- OpenSSL 1.0.1c 10 May 2012
[R] Connecting to Home SFTP -> DNS=www.***.*** IP=173.**.**.** PORT=****
[R] Connected to Home SFTP
[R] Host key algorithm ssh-RSA, size 2048 bits.
[R] Fingerprint (MD5): e9:ac:d2:61:a3:0b:22:e7:d3:f8:a9:21:05:fa:dc:24
[R] Key exchange: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1. Session encryption: aes256-ctr, MAC: hmac-sha1, compression: none.
[R] SSH Error: failed to negotiate authentication method []
[R] SSH Connection closed
[R] Connection failed

I installled version 1901 and that works fine.
FlashFXP Developer
01-16-2013, 12:06 PM
Re: SSH not working on 1911

In order to correctly address some issues with site authentication the logic and configuration for this has changed.

Previously if the password was left blank FlashFXP would automatically prompt the user for the password, however this can cause some problems when the authentication is not a password but instead a public key. In the past we suggested that users to just enter a bogus password to work around the issue.

Well we finally addressed the issue by changing the logic, there is now a "Login Type" field that allows the user to define the type of login method, Anonymous, Normal, Prompt for password, Public Key, Public Key (Pageant).

Change the Login Type from Normal to Prompt for password

To minimize the impact on the user and as part of this change FlashFXP was supposed to auto-magically set the Login Type for pre-existing sites based on the current site settings and it would appear this is not working as intended.
FlashFXP Developer
01-16-2013, 04:04 PM
Re: SSH not working on 1911

I have released build 1915 via LiveUpdate which should improve the auto adjusting of the login type for sites created with previous versions.
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