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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 814 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Transfer start back from beginning after getting disconnected Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Medium Version: 4.3 RC 1

Junior Member
01-10-2013, 07:37 PM
Transfer start back from beginning after getting disconnected

It seems that my upload today got stuck on the first file and it kept starting from scratch.

This was using 4.3.0 build 1901(I only noticed the update just now so I don't know if the new version also has the same problem). This is on win XP SP3 and a slow connection of around 60 KB/s.

Here's a log:
[15:15:35] [R] PASV
[15:15:35] [R] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[15:15:35] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,182,205).
[15:15:40] [R] List Error
[15:15:40] [R] PASV
[15:15:40] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,26,118).
[15:15:40] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 6774
[15:15:40] [R] LIST -al
[15:15:40] [R] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[15:15:40] [R] 226 Directory send OK.
[15:15:40] [R] List Complete: 3 KB in 0.24 second (3.6 KB/s)
[15:15:40] [R] TYPE I
[15:15:40] [R] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[15:15:40] [R] PASV
[15:15:40] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,127,42).
[15:15:40] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 32554
[15:15:41] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[15:15:41] [R] 150 Ok to send data.
[15:55:00] Transfer Timed Out
[15:55:05] [R] ABOR
[15:55:05] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar (54.53 MB of 400.00 MB) in 39 minutes 25 seconds (23.6 KB/s)
[15:56:05] [R] Connection lost: hoarder (Duration: 43 minutes 24 seconds / Idle: 1 minute 0 second)
[15:56:05] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar
[15:56:05] Transferred 1 File (123 bytes) in 9 hours 38 minutes 11 seconds (0.0 KB/s)
[15:56:07] [R] Attempting to Reconnect.
[15:56:07] [R] Connecting to hoarder -> IP= PORT=30990 (attempt # 1)
[15:56:07] [R] Connected to hoarder
[15:56:07] [R] 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.2)
[15:56:07] [R] USER samkook
[15:56:08] [R] 331 Please specify the password.
[15:56:08] [R] PASS (hidden)
[15:56:08] [R] 230 Login successful.
[15:56:08] [R] SYST
[15:56:08] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:56:08] [R] FEAT
[15:56:08] [R] 211-Features:
[15:56:08] [R]  EPRT
[15:56:08] [R]  EPSV
[15:56:08] [R]  MDTM
[15:56:08] [R]  PASV
[15:56:08] [R]  REST STREAM
[15:56:08] [R]  SIZE
[15:56:08] [R]  TVFS
[15:56:08] [R]  UTF8
[15:56:08] [R] 211 End
[15:56:08] [R] PWD
[15:56:08] [R] 257 "/"
[15:56:08] [R] CWD /
[15:56:08] [R] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[15:56:08] [R] PWD
[15:56:08] [R] 257 "/"
[15:56:08] [R] TYPE A
[15:56:08] [R] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[15:56:08] [R] PASV
[15:56:08] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,204,209).
[15:56:08] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 52433
[15:56:08] [R] LIST -al
[15:56:08] [R] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[15:56:08] [R] 226 Directory send OK.
[15:56:08] [R] List Complete: 3 KB in 0.31 second (3.6 KB/s)
[15:56:08] [R] TYPE I
[15:56:08] [R] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[15:56:08] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[15:56:09] [R] 213 57175857
[15:56:09] [R] MDTM LKB-BKP.rar
[15:56:09] [R] 213 20130110235501
[15:56:09] [R] PASV
[15:56:09] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,76,63).
[15:56:09] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 19519
[15:56:09] [R] REST 57175857
[15:56:09] [R] 350 Restart position accepted (57175857).
[15:56:09] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[15:57:01] [R] 150 Ok to send data.
[16:12:47] Transfer Timed Out
[16:12:48] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[16:12:48] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar (31.60 MB of 400.00 MB) in 15 minutes 47 seconds (34.2 KB/s)
[16:12:48] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[16:12:48] [R] 213 90308186
[16:12:48] [R] MDTM LKB-BKP.rar
[16:12:48] [R] 213 20130111001248
[16:12:48] [R] PASV
[16:12:48] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,53,165).
[16:12:48] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 13733
[16:12:48] [R] REST 90308186
[16:12:48] [R] 350 Restart position accepted (90308186).
[16:12:48] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[16:12:48] [R] 150 Ok to send data.
[16:24:20] Transfer Timed Out
[16:24:25] [R] ABOR
[16:24:25] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar (13.92 MB of 400.00 MB) in 11 minutes 37 seconds (20.5 KB/s)
[16:25:25] [R] Connection lost: hoarder (Duration: 29 minutes 18 seconds / Idle: 1 minute 0 second)
[16:25:25] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar
[16:25:25] Transferred 1 File (123 bytes) in 10 hours 7 minutes 31 seconds (0.0 KB/s)
[16:25:27] [R] Attempting to Reconnect.
[16:25:27] [R] Connecting to hoarder -> IP= PORT=30990 (attempt # 1)
[16:25:27] [R] Connected to hoarder
[16:25:27] [R] 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.2)
[16:25:27] [R] USER samkook
[16:25:27] [R] 331 Please specify the password.
[16:25:27] [R] PASS (hidden)
[16:25:27] [R] 230 Login successful.
[16:25:27] [R] SYST
[16:25:27] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:25:27] [R] FEAT
[16:25:27] [R] 211-Features:
[16:25:27] [R]  EPRT
[16:25:27] [R]  EPSV
[16:25:27] [R]  MDTM
[16:25:27] [R]  PASV
[16:25:27] [R]  REST STREAM
[16:25:28] [R]  SIZE
[16:25:28] [R]  TVFS
[16:25:28] [R]  UTF8
[16:25:28] [R] 211 End
[16:25:28] [R] PWD
[16:25:28] [R] 257 "/"
[16:25:28] [R] CWD /
[16:25:28] [R] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[16:25:28] [R] PWD
[16:25:28] [R] 257 "/"
[16:25:28] [R] TYPE A
[16:25:28] [R] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[16:25:28] [R] PASV
[16:25:28] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,212,171).
[16:25:28] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 54443
[16:25:28] [R] LIST -al
[16:25:28] [R] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[16:25:28] [R] 226 Directory send OK.
[16:25:28] [R] List Complete: 3 KB in 0.29 second (3.7 KB/s)
[16:25:28] [R] TYPE I
[16:25:28] [R] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[16:25:28] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[16:25:28] [R] 213 104873554
[16:25:28] [R] MDTM LKB-BKP.rar
[16:25:28] [R] 213 20130111002421
[16:25:28] [R] PASV
[16:25:28] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,115,163).
[16:25:28] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 29603
[16:25:28] [R] REST 104873554
[16:25:28] [R] 350 Restart position accepted (104873554).
[16:25:28] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[16:26:21] [R] 150 Ok to send data.
[16:48:41] Transfer Timed Out
[16:48:42] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[16:48:42] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar (36.06 MB of 400.00 MB) in 22 minutes 21 seconds (27.5 KB/s)
[16:48:42] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[16:48:42] [R] 213 142687745
[16:48:42] [R] MDTM LKB-BKP.rar
[16:48:42] [R] 213 20130111004842
[16:48:42] [R] PASV
[16:48:42] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,204,160).
[16:48:42] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 52384
[16:48:42] [R] REST 142687745
[16:48:42] [R] 350 Restart position accepted (142687745).
[16:48:42] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[16:48:43] [R] 150 Ok to send data.
[16:59:49] Transfer Timed Out
[16:59:54] [R] ABOR
[16:59:54] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar (12.34 MB of 400.00 MB) in 11 minutes 12 seconds (18.8 KB/s)
[17:00:54] [R] Connection lost: hoarder (Duration: 35 minutes 27 seconds / Idle: 1 minute 0 second)
[17:00:54] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar
[17:00:54] Transferred 1 File (123 bytes) in 10 hours 43 minutes (0.0 KB/s)
[17:00:56] [R] Attempting to Reconnect.
[17:00:56] [R] Connecting to hoarder -> IP= PORT=30990 (attempt # 1)
[17:00:56] [R] Connected to hoarder
[17:00:56] [R] 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.2)
[17:00:56] [R] USER samkook
[17:00:57] [R] 331 Please specify the password.
[17:00:57] [R] PASS (hidden)
[17:00:57] [R] 230 Login successful.
[17:00:57] [R] SYST
[17:00:57] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[17:00:57] [R] FEAT
[17:00:57] [R] 211-Features:
[17:00:57] [R]  EPRT
[17:00:57] [R]  EPSV
[17:00:57] [R]  MDTM
[17:00:57] [R]  PASV
[17:00:57] [R]  REST STREAM
[17:00:57] [R]  SIZE
[17:00:57] [R]  TVFS
[17:00:57] [R]  UTF8
[17:00:57] [R] 211 End
[17:00:57] [R] PWD
[17:00:57] [R] 257 "/"
[17:00:57] [R] CWD /
[17:00:57] [R] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[17:00:57] [R] PWD
[17:00:57] [R] 257 "/"
[17:00:57] [R] TYPE A
[17:00:57] [R] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[17:00:57] [R] PASV
[17:00:57] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,31,125).
[17:00:57] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 8061
[17:00:57] [R] LIST -al
[17:00:57] [R] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[17:00:57] [R] 226 Directory send OK.
[17:00:57] [R] List Complete: 3 KB in 0.31 second (3.7 KB/s)
[17:00:57] [R] TYPE I
[17:00:57] [R] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[17:00:57] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[17:00:57] [R] 213 155622865
[17:00:57] [R] MDTM LKB-BKP.rar
[17:00:58] [R] 213 20130111005950
[17:00:58] [R] PASV
[17:00:58] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,162,36).
[17:00:58] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 41508
[17:00:58] [R] REST 155622865
[17:00:58] [R] 350 Restart position accepted (155622865).
[17:00:58] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[17:01:50] [R] 150 Ok to send data.
[17:32:14] Transfer Timed Out
[17:32:15] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[17:32:15] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar (57.62 MB of 400.00 MB) in 30 minutes 26 seconds (32.3 KB/s)
[17:32:16] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[17:32:16] [R] 213 216038827
[17:32:16] [R] MDTM LKB-BKP.rar
[17:32:16] [R] 213 20130111013216
[17:32:16] [R] PASV
[17:32:16] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,134,89).
[17:32:16] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 34393
[17:32:16] [R] REST 216038827
[17:32:16] [R] 350 Restart position accepted (216038827).
[17:32:16] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[17:32:16] [R] 150 Ok to send data.
[17:55:12] Transfer Timed Out
[17:55:14] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[17:55:14] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar (34.99 MB of 400.00 MB) in 22 minutes 58 seconds (26.0 KB/s)
[17:55:14] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[17:55:14] [R] 213 252730760
[17:55:14] [R] MDTM LKB-BKP.rar
[17:55:14] [R] 213 20130111015514
[17:55:14] [R] PASV
[17:55:14] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,58,45).
[17:55:14] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 14893
[17:55:14] [R] REST 252730760
[17:55:14] [R] 350 Restart position accepted (252730760).
[17:55:14] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[17:55:14] [R] 150 Ok to send data.
[18:03:36] Transfer Timed Out
[18:03:41] [R] ABOR
[18:03:41] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar (9.26 MB of 400.00 MB) in 8 minutes 27 seconds (18.7 KB/s)
[18:04:41] [R] Connection lost: hoarder (Duration: 1 hour 3 minutes 45 seconds / Idle: 1 minute 0 second)
[18:04:41] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar
[18:04:41] Transferred 1 File (123 bytes) in 11 hours 46 minutes 47 seconds (0.0 KB/s)
[18:04:43] [R] Attempting to Reconnect.
[18:04:43] [R] Connecting to hoarder -> IP= PORT=30990 (attempt # 1)
[18:04:43] [R] Connected to hoarder
[18:04:43] [R] 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.2)
[18:04:43] [R] USER samkook
[18:04:43] [R] 331 Please specify the password.
[18:04:43] [R] PASS (hidden)
[18:04:44] [R] 230 Login successful.
[18:04:44] [R] SYST
[18:04:44] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[18:04:44] [R] FEAT
[18:04:44] [R] 211-Features:
[18:04:44] [R]  EPRT
[18:04:44] [R]  EPSV
[18:04:44] [R]  MDTM
[18:04:44] [R]  PASV
[18:04:44] [R]  REST STREAM
[18:04:44] [R]  SIZE
[18:04:44] [R]  TVFS
[18:04:44] [R]  UTF8
[18:04:44] [R] 211 End
[18:04:44] [R] PWD
[18:04:44] [R] 257 "/"
[18:04:44] [R] CWD /
[18:04:44] [R] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[18:04:44] [R] PWD
[18:04:44] [R] 257 "/"
[18:04:44] [R] TYPE A
[18:04:44] [R] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[18:04:44] [R] PASV
[18:04:44] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,163,5).
[18:04:44] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 41733
[18:04:44] [R] LIST -al
[18:04:44] [R] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[18:04:44] [R] 226 Directory send OK.
[18:04:44] [R] List Complete: 3 KB in 0.32 second (3.7 KB/s)
[18:04:44] [R] TYPE I
[18:04:44] [R] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[18:04:44] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[18:04:44] [R] 213 262418151
[18:04:44] [R] MDTM LKB-BKP.rar
[18:04:44] [R] 213 20130111020337
[18:04:44] [R] PASV
[18:04:45] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,145,230).
[18:04:45] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 37350
[18:04:45] [R] REST 262418151
[18:04:45] [R] 350 Restart position accepted (262418151).
[18:04:45] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[18:05:37] [R] 150 Ok to send data.
[18:31:22] Transfer Timed Out
[18:31:28] [R] ABOR
[18:31:28] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar (37.76 MB of 400.00 MB) in 25 minutes 51 seconds (24.9 KB/s)
[18:32:28] [R] Connection lost: hoarder (Duration: 27 minutes 44 seconds / Idle: 1 minute 0 second)
[18:32:28] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar
[18:32:28] Transferred 1 File (123 bytes) in 12 hours 14 minutes 34 seconds (0.0 KB/s)
[18:32:30] [R] Attempting to Reconnect.
[18:32:30] [R] Connecting to hoarder -> IP= PORT=30990 (attempt # 1)
[18:32:30] [R] Connected to hoarder
[18:32:30] [R] 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.2)
[18:32:30] [R] USER samkook
[18:32:30] [R] 331 Please specify the password.
[18:32:30] [R] PASS (hidden)
[18:32:30] [R] 230 Login successful.
[18:32:30] [R] SYST
[18:32:30] [R] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[18:32:30] [R] FEAT
[18:32:30] [R] 211-Features:
[18:32:30] [R]  EPRT
[18:32:30] [R]  EPSV
[18:32:30] [R]  MDTM
[18:32:30] [R]  PASV
[18:32:30] [R]  REST STREAM
[18:32:30] [R]  SIZE
[18:32:30] [R]  TVFS
[18:32:30] [R]  UTF8
[18:32:30] [R] 211 End
[18:32:30] [R] PWD
[18:32:30] [R] 257 "/"
[18:32:30] [R] CWD /
[18:32:30] [R] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[18:32:30] [R] PWD
[18:32:30] [R] 257 "/"
[18:32:30] [R] TYPE A
[18:32:30] [R] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[18:32:30] [R] PASV
[18:32:30] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,116,122).
[18:32:30] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 29818
[18:32:30] [R] LIST -al
[18:32:30] [R] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[18:32:30] [R] 226 Directory send OK.
[18:32:30] [R] List Complete: 3 KB in 0.30 second (3.7 KB/s)
[18:32:31] [R] TYPE I
[18:32:31] [R] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[18:32:31] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[18:32:31] [R] 213 301955397
[18:32:31] [R] MDTM LKB-BKP.rar
[18:32:31] [R] 213 20130111023123
[18:32:31] [R] PASV
[18:32:31] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,217,178).
[18:32:31] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 55730
[18:32:31] [R] REST 301955397
[18:32:31] [R] 350 Restart position accepted (301955397).
[18:32:31] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[18:34:31] Transfer Timed Out
[18:34:36] [R] ABOR
[18:34:36] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar
[18:35:23] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[18:35:23] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[18:35:23] [R] 500 Unknown command.
[18:35:23] [R] TYPE A
[18:35:23] [R] 213 302010033
[18:35:23] [R] PASV
[18:35:23] [R] 200 Switching to ASCII mode.
[18:35:24] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,165,168).
[18:35:29] [R] List Error
[18:35:29] [R] PASV
[18:35:29] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,236,126).
[18:35:29] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 60542
[18:35:29] [R] LIST -al
[18:35:29] [R] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[18:35:29] [R] 226 Directory send OK.
[18:35:29] [R] List Complete: 3 KB in 0.26 second (3.7 KB/s)
[18:35:29] [R] TYPE I
[18:35:29] [R] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[18:35:29] [R] PASV
[18:35:29] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,1,1,1,26,240).
[18:35:29] [R] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 6896
[18:35:29] [R] STOR LKB-BKP.rar
[18:35:29] [R] 150 Ok to send data.
FlashFXP Developer
01-11-2013, 11:21 PM
Re: Transfer start back from beginning after getting disconnected

Thank you for your bug report.

Looking at this specific part from your session log it looks like something went horribly wrong. (10 hours later) I can confirm that there is a problem with the transfer timeout routine.

As you can see the commands and replies don't match up, testing has revealed that when a time out is triggered the abort procedure can cause a few re-entry problems, where code should never be executed more than once (if the code is in progress it should wait until complete)

[18:34:31] Transfer Timed Out
[18:34:36] [R] ABOR
[18:34:36] [R] Transfer Failed: LKB-BKP.rar
[18:35:23] [R] SIZE LKB-BKP.rar
[18:35:23] [R] 226 Transfer complete.
[18:35:23] [R] 500 Unknown command.
[18:35:23] [R] TYPE A
[18:35:23] [R] 213 302010033
I have corrected the issue with this.

I also found a couple other issues.

Aborting a transfer/listing on a FTP server using SSL/TLS can cause the control connection to drop if the data channel is reusing the session from the control channel.

I have also corrected this issue as well.

And finally I found that aborting a FTP (MODE Z) upload can crash FlashFXP. The abort clean up was calling InflateEnd() instead of deflateEnd()

Which is fixed too.

You're welcome to test my fixes in the following update

An official release will come after I do a bit more testing.
FlashFXP Developer
01-16-2013, 04:06 PM
Re: Transfer start back from beginning after getting disconnected

This should be 100% fixed in build 1915 which is now available via LiveUpdate.
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