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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 782 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Issue running command line FlashXP Status: Closed
Severity: Minor Version: 4.2 stable

Junior Member
10-21-2012, 02:41 PM
Issue running command line FlashXP

A few months ago I requested help with need of a commandline use of FlashXP and received and email with instructions on one way to do this.

That works except for one issue.

The file transfer starts and completes showing 100% but the transfer while showing 100% never clears or shows that it is finished or even to clear the que.

If I open the same file and upload manually everything clears and completes.

I have tried this with different files, different sizes of files, etc with the same results.

I normally am uploading a single file between 280mb to 350mb but I get the same results with a 15mb file.

I have the rest of my macro working correctly and just need FlashXP to complete the upload process. The file is indeed uploaded and closed properly.

Here is the commandline I use with Macro Scheduler.

Run>"C:\Program Files\FlashFXP 4\FlashFXP.exe" -upload "Springdale NetroMedia FTP" -remotepath="/service.f4v" -localpath="C:\Documents and Settings\Media Booth\My Documents\My Videos\WebServiceVideos\service.f4v"
FlashFXP Developer
10-21-2012, 07:06 PM
Re: Issue running command line FlashXP

What specific build of FlashFXP are you using?
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