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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 776 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: No edit files in FTP host Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Major Version: 4.2 stable

Junior Member
10-04-2012, 02:00 PM
No edit files in FTP host


Windows: XP SP3
FlashFXP: 4.2.5 (1813)

1) login to FTP normal
2) Click on a file (.asp, .html, .js, etc.)
3) Right click and select "Edit"
4) The file is downloaded and open it in my editor (PsPad Editor)
5) A window with a error messages appears in FlashFXP:
Line 1: "Can't create a window"
Line 2: "Your system is out of resources"
6) After press the botton of close the window appear another window to close app or restar or continue. Normally I select continue and FlashFXP works fine except for edit.

This problem have more than a month and happen before last upgrade (4.2.5 (1813)). Also I reinstall today FlashFXP (with version 4.2.5 (1813)).

I hope this can help you.

Thank you in advenced
FlashFXP Developer
10-04-2012, 07:33 PM
Re: No edit files in FTP host

Please download and try the latest beta and let us know if the problem persists, I'm fairly sure this issue was just fixed.


If it doesn't resolve the issue please let us know.
Junior Member
10-10-2012, 11:32 AM
Re: No edit files in FTP host


The problem was some thing wrong in my machine. I istalled the beta version you linked to me in another computer and wotks fine. But not in mine.

Today I installaded the build 1863 (OCt. 8) and this solve it. So, now I can edit files directly from FTP.

Thank you and my congratulations for your proggram, is really amazing.


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