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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 773 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Upgrade not possible Status: Closed (Discarded)
Severity: Critical Version: 4.2 stable

09-15-2012, 06:34 AM
Upgrade not possible

I am using 4.2.5 1810 and I can't auto update my version.

I get Error: Transfer incomplete

When I go to download beta and download it on my pc from here I get "this is not a valid win32 application" (roughly translated from German).
FlashFXP Developer
09-15-2012, 10:19 PM
Re: Upgrade not possible

Seems to be working here, perhaps the local CDN node is serving corrupt files, I did a cache purge and re-cached the file checking the crc on all nodes reported an identical match, maybe the issue resolved itself before I had a chance to investigate the issue.

Please try again and let me know if you continue to experience problems.
09-16-2012, 07:27 AM
Re: Upgrade not possible

the auto update still did not work however the beta download from here did.
Will see if the next version works with auto update

Senior Member
09-19-2012, 05:51 PM
Re: Upgrade not possible

is this still an issue?
FlashFXP Developer
09-20-2012, 10:24 AM
Re: Upgrade not possible

There were some issues with the update check, however I am not entirely sure if these problems are related to what you experienced or if the problem was with our CDN servers.

If it was a problem with FlashFXP then you wont see the fix until you've installed at least build 1843, and then the following update from 1843 should download and run without any problems.
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