using latest 1796 build i thought i would be drunk today, im just using ffxp at the moment to browse some windows fileserver in my office and ffxp doesnt go in the folder i choose, it sometimes chooses something else in the same directory. e.g. if there's some .xls file in it and i choose really the folder in the directory listing suddenly the .xls file is opened. this happens in every folder, i thought i would be drunk today ;-) , also it tried to open thumbs.db file .
i try to show via screenshots :
it's reproducable all the time. it seems it always takes the last file in the folder and suddenly open this. it seems to trigger. you enter directory it works, you go back , enter again that directory and suddenly the last file is opened..
it happens not in every folder, but also instead of the last file , if there's some folder it also takes this folder...
e.g. you pick the first folder in some network folder and you enter, go back and enter same folder again and it jumps to the last folder.
it doenst happen on local harddisk, perhaps it has something to do with caching or something ? not sure..