if you transfer many files and if the next file begans to transfer and exactly in that moment when you mark multiple files e.g. hold STRG and go down with cursor then accidentally if you hold everything and the next file start to transfer then from your selection one file is cut off , everyxtime reproducable ;-)
another thing : i would love to have an option somewhere to mark in "options" that if editing the queue and pressing DEL then not only one file can be deleted, everytime i have to use the cursor because after pressing DEL im not able to DEL the next file. sometimes this (it worked in past versions!) is helpful if you browse with cursors in the queue and want to delete few items with fast using DEL button on your keyboard.
i also would like to have the possibility to EDIT file/folder destinations if using server search and not only have option to say "add to queue" , explain better : you execute in root some server file search and the found items you want to be in different destiantion folders, i would like to have that option instead of only choosing "add to queue", and sometimes you are not in the direct destiantion folder,
then it results in having to mark every queued item and again manually or multiple do "edit" , that would speed up things.
hope you know what i mean , otherwise i speak in pictures