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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 708 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Speed Fluctuations and Slow Internal Network Transfers Status: Closed
Severity: Major Version: 4.2 stable

Junior Member
05-04-2012, 02:06 AM
Speed Fluctuations and Slow Internal Network Transfers

This is a bug/feature issue. First off I like the software although it still seems a bit unfinished to me. Next I mainly purchased this for SSH transfers but the issue affects both SSH and FTPS. I do a lot of in network transfers as I don't like to fool with the Windows Folder Sharing as it is a headache. I Use ZFTPServer which is a commercial file transfer software and it is quite good. To get to the point I can transfer between 300-400 Mbps with ZFTPServer with using Cuteftp Pro and I t very stable when transfer through the local network using a local address, example 192.168.***. However when transferring with the same settings using FlashFXP v4.2.2 and previous versions I stay around 40-55 Mbps which is very slow in comparison and would like this to be resolved. Also I also notice with SSH and FTPS I'm getting speed fluctuations as they sway unstably and even get some pauses now and again. I would also like this to be remedied.
FlashFXP Developer
05-04-2012, 11:31 AM
Re: Speed Fluctuations and Slow Internal Network Transfers

SFTP by design is much slower than FTPS

A few improvements have come about to speed up file transfers using a method called Pipelining, this works by having the server process multiple requests sent asynchronously.

Some SFTP servers can handle pipelining for uploading and downloading, while others only for downloading.

Based on a few quick tests it appears that FlashFXP is not using pipelining with zFTPserver during uploads, I am not sure if this is a compatibility issue or if pipelined uploads are not supported by zFTPserver.

Also I also notice with SSH and FTPS I'm getting speed fluctuations as they sway unstably and even get some pauses now and again. I would also like this to be remedied.
Can you please be more specific? Uploading or downloading. Perhaps include a timestamped copy of the session log. Also if the local machine or network experiences a huge spike/delay then FlashFXP will slow down for a moment to prevent the system/network from being overloaded, is it possible that the pause see in the transfer is related to something like that?
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