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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 68 Category: General / Unknown
Title: folders with accented characters inaccessible Status: Closed (Not a bug)
Severity: Medium Version: 3.4.1 (Beta)

Junior Member
09-17-2007, 09:08 AM
folders with accented characters inaccessible

This is for 3.6 (RC1) [3.5.1 build 1200)

I'm using WinXP SP2

Just upgraded to RC1, connected to shell account on NcFTPd. There were a couple of folders & files that had the lowercase "e" character with 'accent acute' (U+00E9) followed by an underscore and then some more letters (xxxé_xxx). In each case, the accented character and, oddly, the following underscore had both been replaced by a single question mark (?) character (xxx?xxx). I was unable to access or rename these folders and files, but in fact the names had not been changed because I was able to access them via a web browser (which showed all characters properly, and stored that section of the url as "%e9_"). Never had this problem with older versions of FFXP.

//edit// actually, I just realized that in every case it took the accented character as well as the following TWO characters, underscore or not -- in one example I had a double underscore (xxxé__xxx) which became xxx?xxx and in another a single (xxxé_xxx) which showed as xxx?xx. ///

Here are some log snippets:

[L] 220-sites./edit/.com NcFTPd Server (licensed copy) ready.


[L] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[L] 211-Extensions supported:
[L] MLST Type*;Size*;Modify*;Perm;Unique;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.ow ner;UNIX.uid;UNIX.group;UNIX.gid;
[L] UTF8
[L] Compliance Level: 20040701 (IETF mlst-16)
[L] 211 End.
[L] 200 Noted.
[L] 501 Option not recognized.


[L] List Complete: 1 KB in 0.70 seconds (2.2 KB/s)
[L] CWD _coke
[L] 250 "/webroot/users/djb/_mp3/_coke" is new cwd.
[L] 257 "/webroot/users/djb/_mp3/_coke" is cwd.
[L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (/edit/ 22,32)
[L] Opening data connection IP: /edit/ PORT: 5664
[L] 150 Data connection accepted from /edit/:63696; transfer starting.
[L] 226 Listing completed.
[L] List Complete: 12 KB in 0.63 seconds (19.7 KB/s)
[L] CWD Pepe_Delux?Beatitude
[L] 550 No such directory.


[L] RETR PepeDelux?uperSound.m3u
[L] 550 No such file.
[L] Transfer Failed!
Senior Member
09-17-2007, 10:16 AM
Re: folders with accented characters inaccessible

[L] 501 Option not recognized.

.. is it possible that flashfxp is incorrectly sending OPTS UTF8 ON instead of just UTF8 ON?

Try sending raw command UTF8 ON after login then refresh the listing.
FlashFXP Developer
09-17-2007, 04:32 PM
Re: folders with accented characters inaccessible

OPTS UTF8 ON is the correct command.

Try turning off this option
Site Manager > Options Tab > Use MLSD to list directory

Not all ftp servers handle UTF8 the same way, Turning off MLSD reverts back to the old style listing and that should correct the problem.


Site Manager > Advanced Tab > Character Encoding
then Select ANSI

The auto detection option isn't always right, there are combinations of standard ANSI character that get detected as UTF8, and this is what I suspect might be happening.
Senior Member
09-23-2007, 01:36 AM
Re: folders with accented characters inaccessible

Out of curiosity, why does UTF8 ON require the OPTS prefix when the majority of other things listed in FEAT do not. Should the ftpd be responding with OPTS UTF8 in the FEAT reply instead of just UTF8 if thats the required/proper format.

The reply from the ftpd stating that opts utf8 on was not supported was what led me to suggest trying it without opts prefix.
FlashFXP Developer
09-25-2007, 05:38 PM
Re: folders with accented characters inaccessible

UTF8 listed in the FEAT tells the ftp client that UTF8 is supported. Some ftp servers require OPTS UTF8 ON to be sent to actually turn it on.

OPTS is sorta like SITE, all site related options are adjusted using OPTS. Whereas SITE is used to send SITE specific commands.
Junior Member
10-08-2007, 01:05 PM
Re: folders with accented characters inaccessible

Implementing either of Bigstar's suggestions solves the problem. Thanks!
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