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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 665 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running Status: Closed
Severity: Minor Version: 4.1 beta

Senior Member
02-24-2012, 04:23 PM
McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

using latest beta 1719 i experience that if i start some fxp transfer the mcshield.exe process of mcafee virusscan plus 2012 starts to bug the pc with 50% cpu usage. if the transfer is done the cpu load goes back. in this case it's some ssl transfer,

anyone else experiencing on other A/V products?

i will test with some download with/without ssl , perhaps mcafee tries to check the crypted connection all time and bugs with 50% load . that's annoying ;-)

Senior Member
02-24-2012, 04:33 PM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

my tcp buffers are default, using win7-64bit , it occurs on downloads aswell. all ssl'ed , my company's ftp using ssl , therefore i dont use any non-ssl connections, besides that issue wasnt in former versions of ffxp . strange. always if transfer is done, the cpu load is normal again , besides it's not ffxp.exe to have 50% , it's mcshield.exe , well so it's some mcafee problem perhaps "analysing" the traffic generated in ffxp.exe , im not sure.

will play around with tcp buffers let's see if this helps

Senior Member
02-24-2012, 04:36 PM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

without changing tcp buffers, a normal download non_ssl'ed also issues in 50% cpu usage of mcshield.exe , strange. im not sure what ffxp does here and bugs mcshield to annoy with 50% cpu usage... lets play around with tcp buffers now

actual values are non/never-changed they are send : 8kb , and receive 32kb ...

Senior Member
02-24-2012, 04:39 PM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

chaging to send: 128kb , and receive 128kb , didnt help , same issue . changing to "auto" for send/receive, results too in same issue...

let's go for the NIC drivers

FlashFXP Developer
02-24-2012, 04:45 PM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

Is this only with FXP transfers or are uploads and downloads effected as well?

None of those settings would be a factor for a fxp (site to site) file transfer.

I'm really not sure why the cpu usage would spike to 50%, You could try this dev build of 1920 and see if it makes any difference, download link
Senior Member
02-24-2012, 04:49 PM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

Originally Posted by bigstar
Is this only with FXP transfers or are uploads and downloads effected as well?

None of those settings would be a factor for a fxp (site to site) file transfer.

I'm really not sure why the cpu usage would spike to 50%, You could try this dev build of 1920 and see if it makes any difference, download link
well it's not ffxp.exe whcih has 50% , it's mcshield.exe which starts to go to 50% if having ssl/non-ssl fxp , also affects/issues during download ssl/non-ssl . .therefore im not sure whats wrong here.

im now on latest NIC drivers marvell yukon january 2012 onboard gbit , using jumbo frames cause of my NAS

perhaps it's some faulty mcafee update causing that problem...

will test few things and check your 1920 build too

Senior Member
02-24-2012, 04:53 PM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

groovy, 1720 dont result in mcshield.exe 50% , it stays 2% as it should be.

cool.. anything changed between ? shame on you! ;-)
Senior Member
02-24-2012, 04:55 PM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

fxp ssl/non-ssl and ssl/non-ssl downloads dont result in 50% cpu usage with build 1720 .


FlashFXP Developer
02-24-2012, 05:01 PM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

That's quite odd, but not surprising, sometimes AV products will treat FlashFXP builds differently.

Though I would like to point out that none of the changes made in 1920 effect the socket/transfer engine. The changes that were made are specific to the file list controls in the user interface.
Senior Member
02-24-2012, 05:21 PM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

Originally Posted by bigstar
That's quite odd, but not surprising, sometimes AV products will treat FlashFXP builds differently.

Though I would like to point out that none of the changes made in 1920 effect the socket/transfer engine. The changes that were made are specific to the file list controls in the user interface.
yeah , after few mins it still issues again , damn! hm . will deactivte the av scan now cause this is annoying .. i remember that a few weeks/months again the same issue appeared and after a few mcafee updates the issue was gone and no other ffxp build was released during those updates..

i hate computers ;-)
Super Duper
02-26-2012, 01:58 PM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

benjamin3, If you have such controls, try to disable only mcafee's network monitoring/scanning to see if that will make any difference.
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FlashFXP Developer
03-15-2012, 08:45 AM
Re: McShield.exe of mcafee home product virusscan 50% cpu if ffxp instance running

Are you still experiencing this issue with FlashFXP?
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