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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 660 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Folder date Status: Closed
Severity: Major Version: 4.1 stable

Junior Member
02-17-2012, 09:03 PM
Folder date

If you have folder on ftp and you change or create file inside this folder the date of folder will change also.

However when there is folder with sub-folder and when file in sub-folder change/create the date is updated only for sub-folder not for parent folder.

E.g. changing "includes\classes\general.php" will change date of "classes" folder, but will not change date of "includes" folder.
FlashFXP Developer
02-17-2012, 10:19 PM
Re: Folder date

Do you have directory caching enabled? This seems like the best case for turning it off, if you need to always have the current date/time then turning off caching would give you that.

You can turn it off per site via the Site Manager or globally via the Preferences.
Junior Member
02-19-2012, 08:51 PM
Re: Folder date

Originally Posted by bigstar
Do you have directory caching enabled? This seems like the best case for turning it off, if you need to always have the current date/time then turning off caching would give you that.

You can turn it off per site via the Site Manager or globally via the Preferences.
Is this option called "folder cache" under "Connection" tab? I had this unchecked in options. also "refresh on file transfer" "expire after", unchecked too.

I tried next day and on other computer it still the same problem as i described. so i dont think its cache.

All i did this time is disabled Cache Directories in site settings in site manager and now date of folder dont even update at all for no folders!

It now only sets the time when i rename file or create new one when i just do changes to a file it does not update folder date.
Maybe i mess up some settings but i am positive before it was setting date on edit. I use prompt transfer mode.
FlashFXP Developer
03-15-2012, 08:51 AM
Re: Folder date

If caching is disabled in FlashFXP then perhaps the server is caching the information and not returning the latest information.

I'm really not 100% sure, I did some tests in FlashFXP with caching enabled the cached date/time is returned, with caching disabled the current information is returned.

FTP/SFTP servers don't provide a way of notifying the client when the directory content has changed, one solution might be to configure the cache to expire after a minute or two.
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