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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 603 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Transferring files stop unexpectedly Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Medium Version: 4.1 stable

Junior Member
11-10-2011, 06:20 AM
Transferring files stop unexpectedly

One or two times in a session downloading files stops unexpectedly.
The speed slows down to 0,0 kb/s and after a while the file will be marked as FAILED and all following files will also fail.
I have to abort the download, wait for few seconds till the abort was successful and I have to restart the download.
Downloading files means transfer, open or view files.
It occurs for files in a full transfer-list as well as for single file transfers.

This bug appeared on at least 3 completely different servers.

Operating System: Windows 7 x64 Service Pack 1
FlashFXP version: 4.1.5 (build 1668)
Installation type: All User - Common data folder

[12:05:40] [R] List Complete: 1 KB in 0,21 seconds (1,7 KB/s)
[12:06:24] [R] CWD /public
[12:06:24] [R] 250 CWD command successful
[12:06:24] [R] PWD
[12:06:24] [R] 257 "/public" is the current directory
[12:06:25] [R] PASV
[12:06:25] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (*,*,*,*,195,84).
[12:06:25] [R] Opening data connection IP: *.*.*.* PORT: 50004
[12:06:25] [R] MLSD
[12:06:25] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for MLSD
[12:06:25] [R] 226 Transfer complete
[12:06:25] [R] List Complete: 608 bytes in 0,20 seconds (0,6 KB/s)
[12:06:26] [R] PASV
[12:06:27] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (*,*,*,*,195,91).
[12:06:27] [R] Opening data connection IP: *.*.*.* PORT: 50011
[12:06:27] [R] RETR project.php
[12:06:27] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for project.php (1102 bytes)
[12:07:21] (soft abort)
[12:07:21] [R] 226 Transfer complete
[12:07:24] [R] Transfer Failed!
[12:07:27] Transfer Timed Out
[12:07:32] [R] ABOR
[12:08:03] [R] 226 Abort successful
[12:08:03] [R] PASV
[12:08:03] [R] 227 Entering Passive Mode (*,*,*,*,195,97).
[12:08:03] [R] Opening data connection IP: *.*.*.* PORT: 50017
[12:08:03] [R] RETR project.php
[12:08:03] [R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for project.php (1102 bytes)
[12:08:03] [R] 226 Transfer complete
[12:08:03] Transferred: project.php 1 KB in 0,01 seconds (1,1 KB/s)
11-10-2011, 09:36 AM
Re: Transferring files stop unexpectedly

The issue seems to be the same as in my bug report here:

and this one seems to be related too:
FlashFXP Developer
11-10-2011, 03:04 PM
Re: Transferring files stop unexpectedly

Here's a link to a development build that should resolve the issue.


You'll need to unzip the FlashFXP.exe into your FlashFXP program folder overwriting the existing FlashFXP.exe

Please let us know whether or not this solves the problem for you.
Junior Member
11-11-2011, 02:39 AM
Re: Transferring files stop unexpectedly

It seems to be solved now.

1. Yesterday I tried to download with 1669 --> it worked well.
2. Five minutes ago I tried to download with the old version and it stopped 3 times.
3. 3 minutes ago I tried it with 1669 and it worked well again.

Thank you.
FlashFXP Developer
11-11-2011, 12:13 PM
Re: Transferring files stop unexpectedly

Thank you for confirming the fix, we will be including this fix in our next update.
FlashFXP Developer
11-11-2011, 03:48 PM
Re: Transferring files stop unexpectedly

Fixed in build 1670, this build can be downloaded via LiveUpdate

This release is currently considered a beta, so you will need to make sure you check for beta updates.
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