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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 486 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548 Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Medium Version: 4.0

Junior Member
04-29-2011, 01:42 PM
synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

I have installed v4.0.0 build 1548 and have a continous issue with the synchronized browsing.

If I set the synchronized browsing on via the Directory menu, as I navigate my Bookmarks this turns off.

If I set it on my bookmarks, this will stay on, or turn on if the Directory Menu selection is turned off.

The problem is, the way it has always worked before was I could turn it on and off as needed with the Directory ... Synchronized Browsing ... and regardless of the navigation of my Bookmarks it would maintain the current setting and not switch off/on until I set that with the Directory ... Synchronized Browsing ... setting in the menu.

I normally run the Bookmarks with the Synchronized Browsing unchecked and only use the menu to control it.
FlashFXP Developer
04-29-2011, 03:45 PM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548


The logic of how synchronized browsing works along with bookmarks has changed in our latest beta release of v4.1, We feel the new logic works a lot better compared to v4.0.

You might want to take a look at it and provide your input.

You can download it via https://oss.azurewebsites.net/download-beta
Junior Member
04-29-2011, 06:28 PM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

What does that Beta do that is different?

It is still turning on and off like v4.0.0

What do I need to do to set it from the Directory setting of Synchronized Browsing and get it to stay on, unless I turn it off?
Junior Member
04-30-2011, 11:04 AM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

I think I figured out what is being managed differently from v3 to v4.

Previously, in v3, the status of the Synchronized Browsing followed the setting from the Directory ... Synchronized Browsing ... regardless if you navigated the directory tree or used the bookmarks.

Now, if you only navigate the directory tree the Synchronized Browsing remains true until you use a Bookmark.

If the Bookmark is not physically marked as Synchronized Browsing, then it turns off the Synchronized Browsing that was set in the Directory ... Synchronized Browsing ...

So the only way to keep things synched is to have the Bookmarks set to Synchronized Browsing.

The drawback is when you have set the Synchronized Browsing on/off and are using the Bookmarks for quick navigation and now the Bookmark rules rather than the Directory ... Synchronized Browsing setting.

So what this does is slow down the navigation as you have to remember if you are on a follow or don't follow based on did you navigate the directories or use Bookmarks and do the Bookmarks toggle on/off the Synchronized Browsing.

If I have 5000 Bookmarks between all the domains that I work with, is there a way to globally change the Synchronized Browsing setting on all of those Bookmarks or is this something that needs to be done 1 by 1?
FlashFXP Developer
04-30-2011, 09:39 PM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

I greatly appreciate you taking the time to test our changes, it does appear that there is still an issue with the changes.

Here's how it should work.

Scenario #1

If you have sync browsing on and click on a bookmark it will browse the bookmark without changing sync browsing.

Scenario #2

If sync browsing is off and you click on a bookmark with sync browsing on then sync browsing will turn on. (either before or after the folder change depending on if a local and remote path is defined)

Scenario #3

If you have sync browsing off and you click on a bookmark with sync browsing off then the state of the sync browsing doesn't change.


Thus a bookmark with sync browse off should not turn off sync browsing if it was already on, and a bookmark with sync browse on should turn on sync browsing if it was previously off. This makes the most sense to me, otherwise it would be a pain to manage.

Now these are the 3 main scenarios but there's also a subset based on the bookmark remote/local paths (whether or not the remote and/or Local path are defined as part of the bookmark)

Example #1
If the bookmark has the remote and local paths and sync browsing set, while sync browsing is already enabled, sync browsing must first be disabled so that the remote and local paths can be changed without triggering a sync browse and then the sync browsing is re-activated once both folders are changed.

Example #2
If the bookmark has the remote path and sync browsing set, while sync browsing is already enabled then the folder is changed and the state of the sync browse doesn't need to change.

This is the intended logic and based on a couple quick tests it would appear to need some more work, sometimes I test specific parts over and over and as a result an obvious bug isn't so obvious.

I am 99% sure the way I outlined it above is correct but I could be wrong, its been a long day, I will be posting a new build in a day or two with some minor tweaks to the sync browsing.

BTW sync browsing was completely redone in v4.0 due to some inherited design issues and limitations with how it was done in v3.6. So v4.0+ is a whole new system.
Junior Member
05-01-2011, 08:25 AM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

What is happening is ...

If Synchronized Browsing is on and you click a Bookmark that is off, the Synchronized Browsing turns off ...

If Synchronized Browsing is off and you click a Bookmark that is on, the Synchronized Browsing turns on ...

So, it appears that regardless of the setting on the Bookmark, the Bookmark rules the Synchronized Browsing ...

The only time Synchronized Browsing rules the setting is if you are navigating the directory tree and do not touch Bookmarks ...
FlashFXP Developer
05-01-2011, 01:54 PM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

I understand and I too have determined that this is still an ongoing issue in build 1566.

I plan on releasing a new build in the next day or two to address this issue.
Junior Member
05-01-2011, 02:00 PM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

Thanks for the update ... looking forward to it ...
FlashFXP Developer
05-03-2011, 07:58 PM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

Please try build 1567
Junior Member
05-03-2011, 08:30 PM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

It still does not follow the rules ...

If synch is on and navigating directories then it stays on the setting, but as soon as you use a Bookmark, it switches to the setting of the Bookmark, regardless of if that Bookmark is Off or On ...
FlashFXP Developer
05-03-2011, 09:29 PM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

Can you please explain your bookmark, perhaps there is something i missed.

Does it define both the a remote and local path?
Junior Member
05-03-2011, 10:34 PM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

The Bookmark has both a remote path and a local path, example:


The use Synchronized Browsing is unchecked ...

I turn ON Synchronized Browsing ...

If I just navigate the directories, the Synchronized Browsing stays on ...

As soon as I click the Bookmark ... it turns OFF ...
FlashFXP Developer
05-04-2011, 08:00 AM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

I have sent you a private message with an updated build for testing, please let me know if it resolves the problem.
FlashFXP Developer
05-04-2011, 02:30 PM
Re: synchronized browsing v4.0.0 build 1548

This issue was resolved in build 1568 for anyone else following this ticket.
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