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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 413 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: RC3 Super slow after some connection problems Status: Closed
Severity: Major Version: N/A

Junior Member
11-25-2010, 03:56 AM
RC3 Super slow after some connection problems

After 2 weeks traveling, yesterday I came back home and received notification of New FFB v4 (RC3). It downloaded and installed succesfully.

Since that, I've tested thatFlashFXP 4 is SUPER slow AFTER having some PASV/Listing directory problems with a misconfigured server!!. The interface seems to have some kind of displaying problems...
If I reset FlashFXP, it seems to work seamlessly.

It's not a computer problem related (MultiCore,8GB, etc XD) neither a OS Environment settings. This only happens in Flash FXP 4 RC3. I'll try to do a downgrade to see if it fixes, but it never happened before.

Any idea of what changes in RC3 can make this happen?

My OS is Windows XP x64 Service Pack 2 (5.2.3790)

Please ask me for any other details that'd help you troubleshoot.

FlashFXP Developer
11-25-2010, 08:14 AM
Re: RC3 Super slow after some connection problems


What build of RC3 are you using? The latest is 1503.

There are some issues with pre-vista OS's, I'm trying to resolve them as quickly as possible, but I need more specific details of the issues and screen shots to explain any graphical glitches. In addition please include time stamped session logs if they apply.

Since XP is fading away we're finding less and less testers using these OS's and its becoming quite a challenge to find these issues.
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