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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 409 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Color status window messed up Status: Closed
Severity: Minor Version: N/A

Junior Member
11-16-2010, 10:26 AM
Color status window messed up


I saw the colors from the status window are messed up.
The color that is shown appears way to dark. (The green and red, I also saw it with purple) which is just a message sent with a code by the ftpd)

See the attached screenshot. The old flashfxp (3.6) did it fine!

FlashFXP Developer
11-16-2010, 12:26 PM
Re: Color status window messed up

v3.6 did not conform to the ANSI color standards and didn't support the full set of ANSI colors.

Yil the author of ioFTPD contacted me regarding my ANSI color support and pointed out the inconsistencies. We spent a couple weeks bringing my ANSI color support in line with the ANSI color standards.

If you look at the actual ANSI color codes the color rendered in FlashFXP should match any other program capable of rendering ANSI colors.
Junior Member
11-16-2010, 02:25 PM
Re: Color status window messed up


I compared it with some other apps (e.g. gnome, putty terminal via ssh)
The colors look a little little darker than the original flashfxp. But a lot brighter than the current flashfxp. Now it's pretty ugly and unclear what you made of it if you ask me. Are you sure these colors are 100% correct :s

EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code
So wikipedia says there is no real standard, so all I can say it looks very unclear and ugly now as you can see yourself in the screenshot
Apparently it's only windows that is showing such dark ugly colors.
FlashFXP Developer
11-16-2010, 04:10 PM
Re: Color status window messed up

Its been probably almost 10 months since these changes were made, the information I used as a guide came from wikipedia.com, this page has changed a lot since I reviewed it back then. Based on the current wikipedia page the color codes used by FlashFXP are identical to the colors used by Windows XP.

I have no problem adapting the colors as long as everyone is happy with the changes.

We just need to determine what color scheme looks best.
Junior Member
11-17-2010, 03:10 AM
Re: Color status window messed up

Ok, unsure if anybody was complaining before. Or it just was a matter of standardization.
I would like to see them like it used to be (I guess it was CSS/HTML before) or at least a little brighter than now if possible...

I also see that there is even an option for bright and dark. Is this implemented? Maybe I use the dark now and can make it lighter by using the code for bright. No idea how to apply that code though.

You can find it in the table:

0 Reset / Normal all attributes off
1 Bright (increased intensity) or Bold
2 Faint (decreased intensity) not widely supported
3 Italic: on not widely supported. Sometimes treated as inverse.

Which seems to be supported by windows XP as well: FOREGROUND_INTENSITY
See same wiki and http://www.adrianxw.dk/SoftwareSite/...Consoles4.html for example.
The bright table on Wikipedia looks a lot like the old colors in flashfxp, which I like a lot!
FlashFXP Developer
11-17-2010, 12:17 PM
Re: Color status window messed up

Yes, normal & bright colors as well as the styles italic, underline, and strikeout are implemented in v4.0, the colors you see are the normal colors.

The colors used in 3.6 were all non-standard and were always bright.

The issue in my opinion with ANSI colors is that dim look better on white and bright look better on black. When I worked on this with Yil he had developed several different ANSI color themes and I believe his theme colors were specifically intended to be used on white or black backgrounds.

I can switch to using the ANSI colors defined by PuTTY and I believe this might be a good mix.


I found the info from ioftpd

200-List of possible themes:
200- #1: Dark-Normal-Full - Normal intensity colors for black backgrounds, fully colored.
200- #2: Light-Normal-Full - Normal intensity colors for white backgrounds, fully colored.
200- #3: Dark-Normal-Min - Normal intensity colors for black backgrounds, site cmds only.
200- #4: Light-Normal-Min - Normal intensity colors for white backgrounds, site cmds only.
200- #5: Dark-Bright-Full - High intensity colors for black backgrounds, fully colored.
200- #6: Light-Bright-Full - High intensity colors for white backgrounds, fully colored.
200- #7: Dark-Bright-Min - High intensity colors for black backgrounds, site cmds only.
200- #8: Light-Bright-Min - High intensity colors for white backgrounds, site cmds only.
Junior Member
11-17-2010, 02:28 PM
Re: Color status window messed up

Btw, how exactly do you define a bright version of red for example?
FlashFXP Developer
11-17-2010, 03:50 PM
Re: Color status window messed up

Do you mean the actual RGB color code or the ANSI code?

ANSI code for bright red is 91 and normal is 31.

The next release will use the PuTTY defined RGB color codes taken from wikipedia
FlashFXP Developer
11-27-2010, 11:23 AM
Re: Color status window messed up

After consulting with Yil we bought agree that the new color set used in RC2 is far superior than the colors used by PuTTY and I have decided to revert back to the original colors used in RC2.
Junior Member
12-28-2010, 08:20 AM
Re: Color status window messed up

Hmm this is kind of unfortunate, apparently the older flashfxp does not support the bright colour codes. I guess some other clients will not support it either and the users will end up seeing no color at all :s
FlashFXP Developer
12-28-2010, 03:54 PM
Re: Color status window messed up

The older version did support them, however there was a bug that prevented it from working 100%. Sadly no one noticed it for over 2 years, it wasn't addressed until v4.0 betas when Yil brought it to my attention.
Junior Member
12-28-2010, 04:52 PM
Re: Color status window messed up

Is there a workaround for that bug (so it would work with new and old)? Or is it really not able to show ?
FlashFXP Developer
12-28-2010, 07:37 PM
Re: Color status window messed up

I'm really not sure, but it would require special ANSI sent from the server to make it work. The code used in FlashFXP was broken so the server would need to send the same broken ANSI to make it work.
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