If it were to become a single entry then it would need to be a new one because it needs to be "Download / Update" not "Download / Update Languages", does it not make sense when translated to Russian?
Little sens, but not critical. It caused by using "upload" and "download" strings in English to avoid misunderstanding.
Not create new one, but use existing "Download / Update Languages".
There are lots of specifics in translation, but I don`t disturb them because its will cause looots of changes and new language strings)
By the way in Russian there is no word like "of"
(I don`t know how to translate it, if I can leave string empty... but I can`t) Instead of it, there prefixes and suffixes in related words in the phrase
Language files are stored in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\FlashFXP\4\Language
There is no such folder!
About automatic upload language on server. If I edit language I can save it lots of times to check the changes. So moderator should review for example 10 lang. updates sent in 5 minutes....