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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 172 Category: General / Unknown
Title: Cannot open folders starting with space Status: Closed (Discarded)
Severity: Minor Version: 3.6 Final

Junior Member
05-15-2008, 12:17 PM
Cannot open folders starting with space

I'm using 3.6.0 build 1240. I have a folder on my FTP server that starts with a space. When I try to double click it to have FlashFXP go into that folder on the remote pane, this is what I get in the logs:

[R] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls (948 bytes).
[R] 226 Transfer complete. 948 bytes in 0.00 sec. (925.781 Kb/s)
[R] List Complete: 910 bytes in 0.36 seconds (2.5 KB/s)
[R] CWD Game Music
[R] 550 "Game Music/": Access denied.

It looks like it isn't passing the space in CWD. If I manually type the path in the bar above the file/folder list, it works fine.
FlashFXP Developer
05-15-2008, 01:12 PM
Re: Cannot open folders starting with space

The list format used by most ftp servers are not capable of supporting file or folder names that start with a space. Since they also use spaces to separate the fields of each entry.

in rare cases a folder will start a folder name with a space to prevent others from accessing it, since most ftp clients cant see or enter these folders without manually changing into them.
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