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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 156 Category: General / Unknown
Title: .rar files dont finish with upload/download Status: Closed
Severity: Major Version: 3.6 Final

Junior Member
04-14-2008, 06:31 AM
.rar files dont finish with upload/download


a weird bug occured to me after upgrading to 3.6. When I upload or download .rar-files, in most cases, the load would not finish although it says 100% done. After some time, it'll restart the download or upload, again making it to 100% but not finishing it all all. There is no error-message at all. I had the uploaded file checked, it had been uploaded 100%, so I think FlashFxp is wating for some response from the server but not getting it or so. This never happened to me with the older version, so there must have been something in this final upgrade. The whole thing is pretty annoying!

Here is what it looks like when it's happening:

FlashFXP does not freeze, but it wont go on with the queue unless I hit abort twice, wait some time and then delete the file from it.

As for me, it seems to happen only with .rar files, I can successfully upload all other files (.txt, .php, .gif, .jpg etc).

A fix or workaround would be appreciated!

Senior Member
04-14-2008, 12:49 PM
Re: .rar files dont finish with upload/download

For testing please turn off your antivirus in the upload directory or if that is not possible, turn it off completely for testing. See if it then still happens...
Junior Member
04-14-2008, 12:56 PM
Re: .rar files dont finish with upload/download

Oh I forgot to mention that: Anti-Virus is off, system running is Windows 2003 Server. So, what else could I try?
FlashFXP Developer
04-14-2008, 02:36 PM
Re: .rar files dont finish with upload/download

Check this setting Options > Preferences > Connection > TCP/IP Buffer size

If the buffer size is too big or too small sometimes it can lead to this type of behavior.

You must be disconnected any ftp servers before making changes to this setting, otherwise it wont take effect until you restart FlashFXP.

Also you may want to make note of the current value before changing it.
Junior Member
04-24-2008, 05:46 PM
Re: .rar files dont finish with upload/download

Well, I tried that but it didn't help at all. That bug still occurs and now I even got it with an .mp3 file. So there is probably no relation to the file-type, maybe its more the filesize that makes the bug occur.

Any other ideas on what I could do?
FlashFXP Developer
04-24-2008, 05:57 PM
Re: .rar files dont finish with upload/download

It could be an issue related to your firewall or router.

If you use a software firewall try removing flashfxp from the access list and then adding it back.

You might want to try enabling
Options > Preferences > Connection > Proxy > Send Noops during transfer
Junior Member
04-24-2008, 06:03 PM
Re: .rar files dont finish with upload/download

Well i tried turning off the whole firewall and nothing changed. So that can't be the issue I believe. The problems first started after I upgraded to the new version - I NEVER had something like that before and "Send NOOPs during transfer" was always off, tho I will give it a shot and try switching it on.

I'm still sure this must be something with the new version of flashfxp - it's weird tho that nobody else experiences that problem.
FlashFXP Developer
04-25-2008, 12:19 PM
Re: .rar files dont finish with upload/download

If your using a software firewall in most cases turning it off doesn't completely disable it and it is possible to still cause problems.
Junior Member
04-25-2008, 03:50 PM
Re: .rar files dont finish with upload/download

Okay, lets phrase that differently: I can assure you with 100% that a firewall is NOT causing this error.

What else now? It really bothers me...
FlashFXP Developer
05-04-2008, 08:20 AM
Re: .rar files dont finish with upload/download

Do you have any other computers you can test this on?

Would it be possible to set me up a test account to test the ftp server and see if I can reproduce it? If so send me a private message with the info.
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