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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 1137 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: -remotepath command line switch not working. Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Minor Version: 5.4

03-06-2017, 01:18 AM
-remotepath command line switch not working.


I have been trying for hours to get the -remotepath command line option to work.

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I don't think so.

I am using FlashFXP 5.4.0 (build 3960) in Windows 7 Ultimate.

I am doing this:

"c:\Program Files (x86)\FlashFXP 5\FlashFXP.exe" "XX" -remotepath="/folder/" -localpath="d:\folder"

And it just ends up at / on the remote FTP. -localpath seems to work, since it ends up where it is supposed to.

-localpath seems to create the folder if it isn't there. Is that be design?. If I make a typo, I would like to know it, rather then the folder just being created.

I have tried many variants of the command line, but no matter what I do I always end up at / and never at the place set by -remotepath.

I see nothing in the logs other than:

[2017-03-06 07:12:52 am] [L] PWD
[2017-03-06 07:12:52 am] [L] 257 "/" is current directory.

There is absolutely no attempt to change to the folder set in -remotepath.

FlashFXP Developer
03-06-2017, 11:34 AM
Re: -remotepath command line switch not working.


Thank you for your bug report.

"c:\Program Files (x86)\FlashFXP 5\FlashFXP.exe" "XX" -remotepath="/folder/" -localpath="d:\folder"
This is the correct syntax and it should work.

I tested this in 5.4.0 build 3960 multiple times and was unable to reproduce the problem. Maybe there is something we're missing that is causing this to fail but I am not seeing it. I would recommend creating an entirely new site entry and then testing with it, maybe you can narrow down something specific to the existing site profile causing the failure and then I will be more than happy to investigate it further.

-localpath seems to create the folder if it isn't there. Is that be design?.
Yes, because in some use-cases it is possible that this path may not exist yet, so we create it.
FlashFXP Developer
03-06-2017, 01:49 PM
Re: -remotepath command line switch not working.


I found a test case to reproduce the issue..

When FlashFXP is started with both browsers in remote browser mode then -remotepath="<path>" doesn't work as expected.

I will investigate this further and come up with a solution.
FlashFXP Developer
03-06-2017, 02:20 PM
Re: -remotepath command line switch not working.

Here's an update that should work, please let me know.

Download ffxp5.4.0.3962.zip
Unzip the flashfxp.exe into your FlashFXP program folder overwriting the existing file.
03-07-2017, 01:32 PM
Re: -remotepath command line switch not working.



I have tested the version you included, and it seems to be working as it should.

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