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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 1118 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: TLS connection to server with CNAME Status: Open
Severity: Medium Version: 5.4

Junior Member
07-13-2016, 08:45 AM
TLS connection to server with CNAME

I have an FTP server set up with a hostname that is a CNAME (in DNS) to another hostname. E.g.:

clientname.example.com CNAME servername.example.com
servername.example.com A <ip address>

I connect to the server using the hostname: clientname.example.com

The FTP server has an certificate configured with a common name of clientname.example.com. FlashFXP now warns me: "The common name of the certificate, 'clientname.example.com' is invalid or does not match the server name, 'servername.example.com'.

This should not happen, FlashFXP should verify that the hostname I entered in the profile matches the Common Name or Subject Alternative Names of the certificate. It does not matter that the hostname has a CNAME record in the DNS.
FlashFXP Developer
07-13-2016, 12:22 PM
Re: TLS connection to server with CNAME

Something doesn't sound right.

The common name on the certificate, '<CERTIFICATE HOSTNAME>' is invalid or does not match the server name, '<USER ENTERED SERVER HOSTNAME>'.

So the second host name in the warning message should be 'clientname.example.com' if that is the Host you've set in the Site Manager.

This should not happen, FlashFXP should verify that the hostname I entered in the profile matches the Common Name or Subject Alternative Names of the certificate. It does not matter that the hostname has a CNAME record in the DNS.
It shouldn't, since we compare the host name entered by the user and not the name or alias returned by the DNS server.

Can you send me a private message with the host name so that I can perform a connection test to fully diagnose the situation.
Junior Member
07-19-2016, 06:39 AM
Re: TLS connection to server with CNAME

Sorry, my mistake!
All seems to work fine...
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