When I updated the software to the latest version, I wasn't able to connect to one of my FTP. I was getting
[14:17:31] [L] Connected to *****
[14:17:31] [L] 220 Apache
[14:17:31] [L] AUTH TLS
[14:17:31] [L] 234 AUTH TLS successful
[14:17:32] [L] SSL error:14082174:SSL routines:ssl3_check_cert_and_algorithm:dh key too small
[14:17:32] [L] Failed TLSv1 negotiation, disconnected
[14:17:32] [L] Connection failed (Connection closed by client)
The certificate on the server didn't change and I'm able to connect with 5.2 3910. Since you change the version in 5.2 3912. The server certificate is using the encryption DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA (128bits).
I find my workaround (downgrade) but I cannot upgrade until this is fixed.