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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 1016 Category: General / Unknown
Title: 中文乱码,请检查 Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Minor Version: 5.0.0

Junior Member
02-14-2015, 07:54 PM

FlashFXP 5.0.0 (build 3805)
Support Forums https://oss.azurewebsites.net/forum/

[08:39:36] Winsock 2.2 -- OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015
[08:39:41] [R] 正在连接到 控制平台-226.101 -> IP= PORT=22
[08:39:41] [R] 已连接到 控制平台-226.101
[08:39:41] [R] 主机密钥算法 ssh-RSA,大小 2048 位。
[08:39:41] [R] 指纹 (MD5): ec:f4:ef:ae:87:f6:fb:c6:70:15:9b:25:ce:4c:16:e8
[08:39:41] [R] 密钥交换: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1. 会话加密: aes256-ctr,MAC: hmac-sha1,压缩: zlib@openssh.com.
[08:39:41] [R] Auth Type: Password
[08:39:41] [R] 身份验证成功
[08:39:41] [R] SSH 连接打开
[08:39:42] [R] 已建立连接对象: OpenSSH_5.3 (SFTP v3)
[08:39:42] [R] SFTP 连接就绪
[08:39:42] [R] Changed Directory to: /qghost/console/
[08:39:42] [R] Retrieving file list...
[08:39:42] [R] 列表完成: 3 KB 耗时 0.19 秒 (3.0 KB/s)
[08:39:47] [R] 姝e湪涓婅浇: /qghost/console/admin.php
[08:39:47] 上载: admin.php 672 字节 耗时 0.22 秒 (0.7 KB/s)
[08:39:47] [R] Retrieving file list...
[08:39:47] [R] 列表完成: 3 KB 耗时 0.17 秒 (3.0 KB/s)
[08:39:47] 传输队列已完成
[08:39:47] 已传输 1 个文件 (672 字节) 耗时 2 秒 (0.4 KB/s)
[08:39:47] [R] 姝e湪涓婅浇: /qghost/console/admin.php
这一行是乱码的!本意应该是:上传: /qghost/console/admin.php
FlashFXP Developer
02-15-2015, 09:04 AM
Re: 中文乱码,请检查

I'm not entirely sure I understand what you mean can you please explain in English if possible.
Junior Member
02-16-2015, 11:33 PM
Re: Chinese garbled, check

[12:03:16] [R] DELE arrow_rtl.png
[12:03:16] [R] 250 ɾ³ý arrow_rtl.png
[12:03:16] [R] DELE arrow_ltr.png
[12:03:16] [R] 250 ɾ³ý arrow_ltr.png
[12:03:16] [R] CWD /wwwroot/themes/original/css
[12:03:16] [R] 250 OK. Ä¿Ç°µÄĿ¼ÊÇ /wwwroot/themes/original/css
[12:03:16] [R] 250 ɾ³ý arrow_rtl.png
[12:03:16] [R] 250 OK. Ä¿Ç°µÄĿ¼ÊÇ /wwwroot/themes/original/css

Not support chinese

Open the language pack, but did not find
FlashFXP Developer
02-18-2015, 06:08 PM
Re: 中文乱码,请检查

I sent you a private message with a update, please give it a try and let me know.
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