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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 1014 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: TCP IP Buffer Size display issue in Site Manager? Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Minor Version: 5.0.0

Junior Member
02-12-2015, 06:16 PM
TCP IP Buffer Size display issue in Site Manager?

Is there maybe a display issue with the TCP IP Buffer Size setting in the Site manager?

When i change the Send Buffer Size, next time i open the Site settings, the changed value is displayed in the Receive Buffer Size, and vice versa.

If i look into the sites.dat file, the settings are ok.

So if i set


the Site Manager will show

Send 8 KB
Receive 96 KB
FlashFXP Developer
02-12-2015, 09:29 PM
Re: TCP IP Buffer Size display issue in Site Manager?

Thank you for your bug report!

I have confirmed the issue.

It appears that the values are swapped when loaded from the sites.dat, on save the values are saved correctly which causes the values to rotate each time you save the file.

I will try to get you a development build in the next couple days to confirm my fix.

(I am juggling multiple pending issues at the moment)
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