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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 1010 Category: Translation Related Issue
Title: Local language file Status: Closed
Severity: Medium Version: 5.0.0

Junior Member
01-27-2015, 05:45 AM
Local language file


I've sent in a translated string however it doesn't get updated anywhere. I suspected it might haven't been uploaded properly so I tried to send it in again. However the server responded with duplicate submisison received, submission already received.

I guess translations need to be approved somehow. If so I'd be happy to maintain the hungarian translation .

My issue is
  1. that I cant save the hungarian language file locally and use it.. so even after ive translated it it says "1 line missing"
  2. there appears to be a "ghost" language without a label (image provided)


FlashFXP Developer
01-27-2015, 12:14 PM
Re: Local language file

I'm not sure why there's a blank entry in the menu this is very strange.

When you make changes to the main language file it should create a new file with the same name but different file extension .ulf, this file contains your changes.

You might check your language folder to see if there's any files with a .ulf extension missing the main part of the file name.

I approved the translation string.

also make sure you're using build 8305 (there was a critical flaw in 8304)
Junior Member
02-10-2015, 01:45 PM
Re: Local language file

I've just found a language file with no no name just an extension (i mean filename is .ulf) that caused the weirdness...

on the other hand now i have a suggestion:
as far as i can see the language file upload is automated. as soon as i save a file its uploaded to the server. this way i cant save an "in progress" file, nor can i re-upload a file as they get discareded if im unsuccessful.
So I think flashfxp translations should have a spearate save and another upload / download button.
FlashFXP Developer
02-11-2015, 01:15 PM
Re: Local language file

Thank you for your feedback.

There was a bug in early v5 beta releases that could sometimes lead to a file being saved without a filename, to the best of my knowledge this issue was resolved. My guess is that is file is lingering around from the early days.

In the Translation Editor you can load the default language file (.dlf) provided with FlashFXP or your edited version of the file (.ulf).

If you open the default language file (.dlf) and make some changes these changes are saved to a file named <lang>.ulf now if the <lang>.ulf file already exists with previous modifications then these changes will be lost. (Unless they were approved and already included in the default language file.)

After the changes have been saved the user-edited language file is compared to the default language file and any identical translations are dropped and only the strings that differ are sent to the web server.

The web server reads the submission and it compares a hash of the submission against all previous submissions, if the hash matches then it aborts processing and notifies the user that the submission has already been received.

The submission is added into a pending commit queue which I then review and approve the changes.

When I go to review a language translation I am able to see all of the commits for the language, when a translated string has multiple variations of the string I look at who has submitted strings in the past as well as how many times the same string was submitted by different translators, often times multiple translators will submit the same strings.

Once I approve the strings a new default translation is created based on the existing with old strings updated to the new.

Now sometimes I will come across a translation that I am not entirely sure if it was translated correctly, since I have no way to communicate with the translator via this interface I typically delay approving the submission until more translations are received.
Junior Member
02-15-2015, 03:49 AM
Re: Local language file


Thanks for the nice detailed explanation of how things work . I just browse through the already translated strings and saw that some of them are phrased formally, others quiver etc and tought it would be nice to have some sort of guidelines and decide on that .
Junior Member
02-21-2015, 10:07 AM
Re: Local language file

Well I guess we can close this one as invalid
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