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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 1008 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: custom command issues Status: Closed
Severity: Major Version: 5.0.0

Junior Member
01-22-2015, 10:25 PM
custom command issues

5.0.0 build 3804

All copies of ffxp closed. I start a new session and create a new custom command:

MKD /@not.allowed/%f
MKD /@not.allowed/%f

I run the custom command on a folder in the right pane and it performs:
[R] MKD /@not.allowed/XXX
[R] MKD /@not.allowed/XXX
[R] [CMD] /switch

[R] MKD /@not.allowed/XXX
[R] [CMD] /switch
[L] MKD /@not.allowed/XXX


I make a new command:
MKD /@not.allowed/%f

I perform the command on a folder in the right pane:
[R] [CMD] /switch
[L] MKD /@not.allowed/XXX

Performs as expected. I close ffxp and reopen. I perform the same custom command on the same folders on the same servers:
[R] [CMD] /switch

I tried on two different computers with the same build and had the same issue. Hope you can work your magic BigStar!
FlashFXP Developer
01-22-2015, 11:21 PM
Re: custom command issues

You can't use %f this way, try something like this
# This command block will loop for each selected item
#STORE %f as a variable @f@ so we can use it after /switch
/set @f@ %f
# create path on active side
MKD /path/@f@
# switch to opposite side
# create path on the now active side
MKD /path/@f@
# switch back to the original side
Junior Member
01-23-2015, 12:55 PM
Re: custom command issues

Using the variable resolved - Thanks.

It's odd that there was initial success until restarting ffxp. Lots of changes with custom commands since v4!
FlashFXP Developer
01-23-2015, 04:29 PM
Re: custom command issues

Lots of changes with custom commands since v4!
Yes, custom commands were expanded and a ton of new commands were added.

I did not realize that original command script you posted was from v4, I tested this in v4 and it does work.

It looks like changes in-part to the way the / prefixed commands are executed (which is why the { } command block is now required) and some changes to the /switch command broke backwards compatibility, I was not fully aware of how these changes impacted command scripts from v4 but it does look like there is going to be quite a few breaking changes.

Prior to v5.0 the /switch command activated the opposite side (the active side is used for /select type commands) and switched the side used when sending raw commands.

In v5.0 it only activates the opposite side.

v5.0 has two new commands /activate 1 and /activate 2 to provide side switching for raw commands but there is no opposite style command. Perhaps one needs to be added.
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