In the Flashfxp 4.0 rc3 1499
the UTF8 support is imperfect
download the test file in a directory
e.g. d:\test
then,unrar it
upload all file in the folder to a ftp serrver
(test server is Serv-U FTP Server 9.4)
some file cannot uploaded.
the log is:
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\?? ??? ??? ?? ????\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\????? ??? ???\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\Espa?a\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\Fa?aliga??esPC-PCgratuitas\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\Pakistanerh?ltMilliarden-ZusagenfürErdbebenhilfe\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\unicode\??? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ??????????\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\unicode\???????? ?????? ?????????\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\unicode\???????????????\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\unicode\????????????????? ????????????????????\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\unicode\?u ankay absrazilon - trafe provis ?erci\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\unicode\Birle?mi? Milletler halklar?n?nAntla?mada\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\unicode\Sáchm?ngnà y??? c biên so?n ?? dùng\: Folder not found!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\unicode\?u ankay absrazilon - trafe provis ?erci .txt: File not found!
Transfer Failed!
d:\test\ftp_utf8_test\オンラインサービスシピング?オークション\: Folder not found!
but FTPRush 1.1.219 can work properly
both SmartFTP 4.0 1145 and CrossFTP 1.65a are all-ok
the above test it also verified in Gene6 FTP Server