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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 219 Category: General / Unknown
Title: Bugreport Status: Closed
Severity: Minor Version: 3.6 Final

Junior Member
08-07-2008, 05:31 AM
Bugreport - crash filetransfer with strange characters in the file name

while uploading/renaming/deleting/downloading files with strange names and characters, like (they are produced by opera and firefox):

file%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fe%3A%2FProgramme%2FNetz%2 FMirandaPortable%2FOther%2FHelp%2Fimages%2Ffavicon .ico

http%3A%2F%2Fcms.pxx.de%2Fs%2Fc%2FNruHc4tE%2Fpxx_b ilder%2Fpxx.ico.ico;jsessionid=4D545C320D44AB14DB0 2074F22C3FF66

http%3A%2F%2Fcms.pxx.de%2Fs%2Fc%2FNruHc4tE%2Fpxx_b ilder%2Fpxx.ico.ico;jsessionid=D048B923334979EAAEC 7BC40E5B42F28

btw.: the file handling was not successfully, i suspect an issue with the ftp server.
because uploading sometimes is no problem.

date/time : 2008-08-07 12:16
computer name :
user name :
operating system : Windows XP Service Pack 2 build 2600
system language : German
system up time : 2 hours 52 minutes
program up time : 1 hour 42 minutes
processors : 2x Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz
physical memory : 84/502 MB (free/total)
free disk space : (C:) 48,76 GB (J:) 88,96 MB
display mode : 1680x1050, 32 bit
monitors : 1
process id : $b84
allocated memory : 15,11 MB
executable : FlashFXP.exe
executable hash : 9B61C96F03CCC2524D84A7A7BC1A9EBD
executable size : 3067144
exec. date/time : 2008-02-20 17:55
version :
madExcept version : 2.7k
language : german
exception class : EAccessViolation
exception message : Access violation at address 005F60DE in module 'FlashFXP.exe'. Read of address 00000004.

main thread ($d90):
005f60de FlashFXP.exe FrmMain1 16890 +32 TFrmMain.TreeDragDrop
00475eab FlashFXP.exe Controls 3842 +1 TControl.DragDrop
00476275 FlashFXP.exe Controls 3976 +24 TControl.DoDragMsg
0047ac2a FlashFXP.exe Controls 6769 +4 TWinControl.CMDrag
004b057d FlashFXP.exe ComCtrls 7768 +1 TCustomTreeView.CMDrag
004768e1 FlashFXP.exe Controls 4233 +37 TControl.WndProc
00479116 FlashFXP.exe Controls 5698 +42 TWinControl.WndProc
004b04b2 FlashFXP.exe ComCtrls 7730 +11 TCustomTreeView.WndProc
00478da0 FlashFXP.exe Controls 5571 +3 TWinControl.MainWndProc
00466aac FlashFXP.exe Forms 1484 +8 StdWndProc
7e37f3c7 user32.dll SendMessageA
00473715 FlashFXP.exe Controls 2278 +8 DragMessage
00474118 FlashFXP.exe Controls 2611 +55 DragDone
00472f7d FlashFXP.exe Controls 1911 +14 TDragObject.MouseMsg
00466aac FlashFXP.exe Forms 1484 +8 StdWndProc
7e3696c2 user32.dll DispatchMessageA
0046f6a3 FlashFXP.exe Forms 6898 +34 TApplication.ProcessMessage
0046f6da FlashFXP.exe Forms 6936 +1 TApplication.HandleMessage
0046f8fa FlashFXP.exe Forms 7026 +21 TApplication.Run
00624e6c FlashFXP.exe FlashFXP 671 +503 initialization

thread $eac (TChangeHandlerThread):
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91e9a9 ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
7c8094dc kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
7c80a070 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects
00507339 FlashFXP.exe UPTShellControls 4021 +11 TChangeHandlerThread.Execute
0044bcce FlashFXP.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
0041b104 FlashFXP.exe Classes 6898 +1 ThreadProc
00403f38 FlashFXP.exe System ThreadWrapper
0044bc01 FlashFXP.exe madExcept CallThreadProc
0044bc43 FlashFXP.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by main thread ($d90) at:
00506fff FlashFXP.exe UPTShellControls 3916 +2 TChangeHandlerThread.Create

thread $24c (TChangeHandlerThread):
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91e9a9 ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
7c8094dc kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
7c80a070 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects
00507339 FlashFXP.exe UPTShellControls 4021 +11 TChangeHandlerThread.Execute
0044bcce FlashFXP.exe madExcept HookedTThreadExecute
0041b104 FlashFXP.exe Classes 6898 +1 ThreadProc
00403f38 FlashFXP.exe System ThreadWrapper
0044bc01 FlashFXP.exe madExcept CallThreadProc
0044bc43 FlashFXP.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by main thread ($d90) at:
00506fff FlashFXP.exe UPTShellControls 3916 +2 TChangeHandlerThread.Create

thread $c4:
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91e9be ntdll.dll NtWaitForSingleObject
7c8025c5 kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObjectEx
7c80252d kernel32.dll WaitForSingleObject
0044bc01 FlashFXP.exe madExcept CallThreadProc
0044bc43 FlashFXP.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by main thread ($d90) at:
71a1d35c WS2_32.dll

thread $66c: <priority:2>
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91d8ed ntdll.dll NtDeviceIoControlFile

thread $f4c: <priority:15>
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91e9a9 ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects
7c8094dc kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsEx
7c80a070 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjects

thread $654:
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91e397 ntdll.dll NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx
0044bc01 FlashFXP.exe madExcept CallThreadProc
0044bc43 FlashFXP.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $6c0 at:
77e5df0e RPCRT4.dll

thread $464:
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91e397 ntdll.dll NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx
0044bc01 FlashFXP.exe madExcept CallThreadProc
0044bc43 FlashFXP.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $654 at:
77e5df0e RPCRT4.dll

thread $9dc:
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91d85a ntdll.dll NtDelayExecution
7c8023e7 kernel32.dll SleepEx
7c80244c kernel32.dll Sleep
0044bc01 FlashFXP.exe madExcept CallThreadProc
0044bc43 FlashFXP.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by main thread ($d90) at:
774dcc4a ole32.dll

thread $90c: <priority:1>
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91e319 ntdll.dll NtRemoveIoCompletion

thread $948:
7c91eb94 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet
7c91e397 ntdll.dll NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx
0044bc01 FlashFXP.exe madExcept CallThreadProc
0044bc43 FlashFXP.exe madExcept ThreadExceptFrame
>> created by thread $464 at:
77e5df0e RPCRT4.dll

00400000 FlashFXP.exe J:\.win\Netz\FlashFXP
01390000 Normaliz.dll 6.0.5441.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
01aa0000 xpsp2res.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
02090000 ssleay32.dll J:\.win\Netz\FlashFXP
029b0000 rarext.dll C:\Programme\WinRAR
029e0000 7-zip.dll C:\Programme\7-Zip
034a0000 XnViewShellExt.dll C:\Programme\XnView\ShellEx
07160000 Audiodev.dll 5.2.5721.5145 C:\WINDOWS\system32
10000000 libeay32.dll J:\.win\Netz\FlashFXP
10930000 PortableDeviceApi.dll 5.2.5721.5145 C:\WINDOWS\system32
11c70000 WMASF.DLL 11.0.5721.5238 C:\WINDOWS\system32
15110000 WMVCore.DLL 11.0.5721.5145 C:\WINDOWS\system32
16210000 wpdshext.dll 5.2.5721.5145 C:\WINDOWS\system32
20000000 odbcint.dll 3.525.1117.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
32520000 msohev.dll 10.0.2609.0 C:\Programme\Microsoft Office\Office10
43f60000 iertutil.dll 7.0.6000.16674 C:\WINDOWS\system32
441e0000 WININET.dll 7.0.6000.16674 C:\WINDOWS\system32
444c0000 ieframe.dll 7.0.6000.16674 C:\WINDOWS\system32
4eba0000 gdiplus.dll 5.1.3102.2180 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus_65 95b64144ccf1df_1.0.2600.2180_x-ww_522f9f82
4ef20000 wiashext.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
50d00000 CLNWIN32.DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32
50d20000 CALWIN32.DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32
50d50000 NETWIN32.DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32
50da0000 CLXWIN32.DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32
50db0000 NCPWIN32.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32
50df0000 LOCWIN32.DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32
58200000 NOVNPNT.DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32
58300000 MAPBASE.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32
58380000 NWSHLXNT.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32
597d0000 NETAPI32.dll 5.1.2600.2976 C:\WINDOWS\system32
5b0f0000 UxTheme.dll 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
5ce90000 shimgvw.dll 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
609d0000 mslbui.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
65880000 vpshell2.dll C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Symantec Shared\SSC
66210000 NWWS2NDS.DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32\netware
66220000 NWWS2SLP.DLL C:\WINDOWS\system32\netware
66250000 NWSRVLOC.dll C:\WINDOWS\system32
66710000 hnetcfg.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
719b0000 mswsock.dll 5.1.2600.3394 C:\WINDOWS\System32
719f0000 wshtcpip.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
71a00000 WS2HELP.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71a10000 WS2_32.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71a30000 wsock32.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71a80000 MPR.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
71b70000 SAMLIB.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
71b90000 ntlanman.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
71c00000 NETRAP.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
71c10000 NETUI1.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
71c50000 NETUI0.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
72c80000 msacm32.drv 5.1.2600.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
72c90000 wdmaud.drv 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
72f70000 winspool.drv 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
73b10000 sti.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
73ce0000 shgina.dll 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
745d0000 ODBC32.dll 3.525.1117.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
746a0000 MSCTF.dll 5.1.2600.3319 C:\WINDOWS\system32
74a60000 CFGMGR32.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
75250000 msctfime.ime 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
75910000 MSGINA.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
75f00000 drprov.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
75f10000 davclnt.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
76300000 WINSTA.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76330000 IMM32.DLL 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76350000 comdlg32.dll 6.0.2900.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
765a0000 CSCDLL.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
76620000 USERENV.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76880000 CRYPTUI.dll 5.131.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76940000 ntshrui.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76ad0000 ATL.DLL 3.5.2284.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76af0000 winmm.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76bb0000 PSAPI.DLL 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76bf0000 WINTRUST.dll 5.131.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76c50000 IMAGEHLP.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76ee0000 DNSAPI.dll 5.1.2600.3394 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76f20000 WLDAP32.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76f70000 winrnr.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
76f80000 rasadhlp.dll 5.1.2600.2938 C:\WINDOWS\system32
76f90000 CLBCATQ.DLL 2001.12.4414.308 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77010000 COMRes.dll 2001.12.4414.258 C:\WINDOWS\system32
770f0000 oleaut32.dll 5.1.2600.3266 C:\WINDOWS\system32
773a0000 comctl32.dll 6.0.2900.2982 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2982_x-ww_ac3f9c03
774b0000 ole32.dll 5.1.2600.2726 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77730000 shdocvw.dll 6.0.2900.3020 C:\WINDOWS\system32
778f0000 SETUPAPI.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
779f0000 cscui.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\System32
77a50000 crypt32.dll 5.131.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77af0000 MSASN1.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77b10000 appHelp.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77ba0000 midimap.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77bb0000 MSACM32.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77bd0000 version.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77be0000 msvcrt.dll 7.0.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77da0000 advapi32.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77e50000 RPCRT4.dll 5.1.2600.3173 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77ef0000 GDI32.dll 5.1.2600.3316 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77f40000 SHLWAPI.dll 6.0.2900.3020 C:\WINDOWS\system32
77fc0000 Secur32.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7c360000 MSVCR71.dll 7.10.6030.0 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7c800000 kernel32.dll 5.1.2600.3119 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7c910000 ntdll.dll 5.1.2600.2180 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7d1f0000 msi.dll 3.1.4000.4039 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7e360000 user32.dll 5.1.2600.3099 C:\WINDOWS\system32
7e670000 shell32.dll 6.0.2900.3241 C:\WINDOWS\system32

005f6092 xor eax, eax
005f6094 mov al, [ebp-9]
005f6097 imul eax, eax, $11f
005f609d mov eax, [eax+$63e6b6]
005f60a3 call -$146464 ($4afc44) ; ComCtrls.TCustomTreeView.GetSelection
005f60a8 mov ecx, eax
005f60aa mov edx, [ebx+$63e6b6]
005f60b0 mov eax, [ebp-4]
005f60b3 call +$cfd8 ($603090) ; FrmMain1.TFrmMain.GetTreeNodeName
005f60b8 16890 push 0
005f60ba push 1
005f60bc push $5f6560 ; 'RNTO '
005f60c1 lea ecx, [ebp-$20]
005f60c4 xor edx, edx
005f60c6 mov eax, [ebp-$14]
005f60c9 call -$1c03fe ($435cd0) ; EnhFunc.ValidatePath
005f60ce push dword ptr [ebp-$20]
005f60d1 mov eax, [ebx+$63e6d2]
005f60d7 mov edx, esi
005f60d9 call -$d6c76 ($51f468) ; FtpList.TFileList.GetItem
005f60de > push dword ptr [eax+4]
005f60e1 lea eax, [ebp-$1c]
005f60e4 mov edx, 3
005f60e9 call -$1f1e1e ($4042d0) ; System.@LStrCatN
005f60ee mov edx, [ebp-$1c]
005f60f1 mov eax, [ebx+$63e6ca]
005f60f7 xor ecx, ecx
005f60f9 call -$105bb2 ($4f054c) ; FDFtp.TFDFTP.DoCommand
005f60fe 16892 inc esi
005f60ff 16876 dec dword ptr [ebp-$18]
005f6102 jnz loc_5f5fc6
005f6108 16893 push 1
005f610a xor eax, eax
005f610c mov al, [ebp-9]
005f610f imul ebx, eax, $11f
005f6115 mov eax, [ebx+$63e6ca]
005f611b mov ecx, [eax+$38c]
005f6121 mov eax, [ebx+$63e6b2]
005f6127 mov dl, [eax+$c]
005f612a mov eax, [ebp-4]
005f612d call -$5e2 ($5f5b50) ; FrmMain1.TFrmMain.UpdateCache
Super Duper
08-09-2008, 01:26 PM
Re: Bugreport

your 1st link is file:// which is a file located on your local system and other 2 links are http://, none of which are supported by flashfxp
[Sig removed by Administrator: Signature can not exceed 20GB]
Junior Member
08-11-2008, 05:51 AM
Re: Bugreport

no, these are no links, discarding the information of the file name. the files exist with exactly the name i gave. it does not matter what information but the signs the filenames contain. i do not even know, how opera or firefox are able to write this filenames.
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