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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 1082 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Display error with Queue window, Status window and Graph Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Minor Version: 5.2

Junior Member
11-10-2015, 05:48 AM
Display error with Queue window, Status window and Graph

I have found that turning on and off the visibility of the Status window, Queue window and transfer Graph, causes a number of display issues that differ, depending on which combination of the three are selected to be visible, as well as the order in which their visibility is toggled.


I will try to describe two methods that I have used to cause odd or unexpected behaviour, regarding which windows should be visible and their size.

First method:

1. Start FlashFXP with what I believe is the standard layout (Local navigation pane on the left, Remote navigation pane on the right, Queue window visible below the left pane, Status window visible below the right pane, Graph not visible, Raw Command Line not visible)
2. Go to the View menu and check (make visible) the Graph, so that it is visible below the Status window (which is below the right pane)
2. Go to the View menu and uncheck (hide) the Status window
3. The Graph should now be larger in height, taking up the full space where the Status window was previously visible
4. Go to the View menu and uncheck (hide) the Graph
5. What I believe this should do is make the Graph disappear and the Queue window should expand to cover the space below the left and the right navigation panes. However, I find that the Graph window does not disappear but instead is still visible but disabled (right-click interaction and graph visual updating are disabled). Also, the Queue window does not expand to fill the space (i.e. behind the disabled Graph window).

Second method:

1. Start FlashFXP with what I believe is the standard layout (Local navigation pane on the left, Remote navigation pane on the right, Queue window visible below the left pane, Status window visible below the right pane, Graph not visible, Raw Command Line not visible)
2. Go to the View menu and uncheck (hide) the Status Window
3. Go to the View menu and check (make visible) the Graph
4. I believe that this should leave the Queue window visible along the bottom, spaning both the left and right navigation panes, with the Graph below the Queue window, also spanning both panes. However, I find that although the Queue window is visible, the Graph does not appear after selecting it from the View menu
5. Now go to the View menu and uncheck (hide) the Queue window
6. This should now make the Graph visible, spanning both the left and right navigation panes and also taking up the full height of the area below the panes
7. Go to the View menu and check (make visible) the Queue window
8. What this should do is bring the Queue window back into view, taking up the same space as the Graph, with the Graph now being smaller in height but still spanning both panes, below the Queue window, I find however that the Queue window does not appear at all, despite being selected in the View menu

There are likely other window combinations, orders in which they are made visible/hidden, etc, that will give similar problems with what is displayed. Further testing would be needed to discover them, if necessary.

I've been able to repeat this bug every time that I've tried.

I have also found that if FlashFXP is closed while a selection of these windows is displaying incorrectly, when reopened, it will sometimes have that same incorrect layout as it did when closed but this is not always the case. Instead, sometimes I found that it would reopen with a different and 'correct' representation of the selected window options. This seemed to depend on what options were selected prior to closing FlashFXP and possibly the order in which windows were hidden/made visible, etc.

FlashFXP version: 5.2.0 (build 3891)
Operating System: Windows 7 Tablet PC x64 Service Pack 1
FlashFXP Developer
11-11-2015, 11:31 AM
Re: Display error with Queue window, Status window and Graph

Thank you for your bug report.

I have confirmed the issue and the following update should resolve the problem, please test this update and let me know if you encounter any issues.



EDIT: corrected download links
Junior Member
11-12-2015, 12:46 AM
Re: Display error with Queue window, Status window and Graph

Before I reply about this bug report, there was another small change that I wanted to mention but was hesitant to create a report for, as it's so minor. Under the 'View' menu, the 'Status Window' option has a capital 'W' for window, whereas the 'Queue window' option has a lowercase 'w' for window. Might be worth changing one of them for consistency

As for this bug report, the window display issues appear fully fixed from what I can tell (Build 3893).

I've tried a number of different layouts/configurations of the different windows and they've always kept to the display rules that are in place for them:

With all three of the windows selected, the Queue and Status windows appear side by side, with the Graph below the Status window;
Any two (of Status, Queue or Graph) selected were always side by side;
Any individual window selected always took up the full space below the two navigation panes.

If non were selected then the navigation panes' increased in height to take up the space, as expected, and the 'Raw Command Line' option always seems to display correctly too.

So I'd say that this bug is fixed now and can be closed, thanks
FlashFXP Developer
11-12-2015, 08:14 AM
Re: Display error with Queue window, Status window and Graph

Thank you for testing the fix and pointing out the consistency issue with the text case.
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