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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 986 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: directory cash gets flushed and re-cached for no good reason? Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Minor Version: 5.0.0

Junior Member
10-26-2014, 10:29 AM
directory cash gets flushed and re-cached for no good reason?

here's me reporting yet another probable bug.
the glftpd2 im using often has over 4000-5000 subfolders under one folder. now what I usually do is check the contents (files) of some of those subfolders and then go back to the subfolders and continue browsing them the same way.
the bug is I often find FlashFXP re-caching the entire directory tree i.e. the names of those 4000-5000 subdirs get re-cached when I want to go back 1 level up (where those 4000-5000 folders are).
its either this, or the client just hangs for like 60 secs for no good reason, which is approximately the same as the loading time of 1MB of directory cache, and no, its not the PC being overburdened with other software, cause this is the only thing running.
there might be some regularity in that though, cause seems to happens between appr. same intervals (like every 15mins, or maybe after I entered and exited subfolders enough times. but I didnt clock that, nor did I count the times entering-exiting the subfolders.

in case you cant imagine what im saying, it looks like this:
-dirs in root
--3000-4000 subfolders
---files in subfolders

connection is TLS1.2

it was with v3784, today's update will still need to be tested.

FlashFXP Developer
10-26-2014, 01:07 PM
Re: directory cash gets flushed and re-cached for no good reason?


Thank you for your bug report.

I have conducted a few tests and I am not able to determine any unexpected results.

In the Preferences dialog under the Connection section what are your Folder Cache settings?

[ ] Enable cache
[ ] Refresh on file transfer
[ ] Expire after <value> minutes

Aside from these settings the following will invalidate a cached folder.

1. You performed an operation in the folder or a sub-folder.
2. The cache is full and the folder is purged from cache.

The amount of memory set aside for folder caching is based on the amount of available system memory and can dynamically range between 32mb and 256mb. The directory listing is stored in an internal format that allows us to re-load the data without having to re-parse the listing from the server.

I am not sure why it would hang for 60+ seconds.

What is your computer hardware specs? cpu model / speed, memory, os

Depending on your system hardware you should have no problem loading a 1mb cached folder in 1 or 2 seconds.
Junior Member
11-08-2014, 05:25 AM
Re: directory cash gets flushed and re-cached for no good reason?

sorry for late come back, havent had time to do much investigation.
now as for the folder caching options, i have cache enabled and never expire, and no refresh after download of course to keep the cache until the end of my session.
about directory download times, it just doesnt happen at full bandwidth or there is simply just some queuing in place, i dont know how it works really, but it can take up to 90 secs to cache a directory of 14000 folders. sometimes its fast sometimes its slow (seems as if the client would hang), but i think its something on the server side.
however, now this re-caching happens totally randomly still with the latest version. i can see the byte counter at the bottom when the process is over, and given the enormous time it takes, I strongly think that FlashFXP really is refreshing the cache.

my PC is Q2D machine with 4GB ram running WIN7x64 btw
FlashFXP Developer
11-11-2014, 04:34 PM
Re: directory cash gets flushed and re-cached for no good reason?

The latest build includes a debug command that can be used to help troubleshoot this issue, to activate the command enter the following raw command (Ctrl+R)

/debug cache
You'll want to do this before the issue occurs so that you can determine exactly which operation caused the cache to be cleared.

The state of the debug cache mode is not preserved on exit so you'll need to manually activate it whenever you want to test the caching behavior.
FlashFXP Developer
12-03-2014, 07:49 PM
Re: directory cash gets flushed and re-cached for no good reason?

I found an issue with the cache that is most likely to blame for this issue.

The option "Expire cache after <X> minutes" is clearing the cache after <X> minutes even when the option is unchecked.

This will be addressed in the next update.
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