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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 944 Category: General / Unknown
Title: Unexpected behavior of &switch command in "server file search" results window Status: Closed
Severity: Minor Version: 4.4

Junior Member
05-10-2014, 10:18 PM
Unexpected behavior of &switch command in "server file search" results window

When using the &switch command in the "server file search" results window, the later commands occur in the pane the results came from, not the opposite pane.

build 4.4.4 2043
FlashFXP Developer
07-17-2014, 09:09 AM
Re: Unexpected behavior of &switch command in "server file search" results window

The "server file search" window does not support many of the custom command macros.

Basically only raw commands (commands sent to the server as-is) and %f, %d, %p style tokens are currently supported.

Due to the difference in logic/behavior while in the "server file search" a raw command-block is not performed using the same macro engine that's used in the main window browser panes.

This feature has slipped through the cracks for years

At the moment I am not sure if this feature needs to be abandoned or what, but in its current state its somewhat useless for anything outside of raw commands.
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