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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 941 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: Updated to FlashFXP 4.4.4 (build 2043) - Unable to verify digital signature on FlashFXP.exe Status: Closed
Severity: Major Version: 4.4

04-20-2014, 05:09 PM
Updated to FlashFXP 4.4.4 (build 2043) - Unable to verify digital signature on FlashFXP.exe


Updated to FlashFXP 4.4.4 (build 2043) with autoupdate and now the status windows says:

"FlashFXP 4.4.4 (build 2043)
Support Forums http://forum.flashfxp.com
Unable to verify digital signature on FlashFXP.exe
The integrity of this program has been compromised, your data and privacy could be at risk, for your safety
download FlashFXP"

Tried repairing with the installer from your website, same result.
Junior Member
04-21-2014, 09:33 AM
Re: Updated to FlashFXP 4.4.4 (build 2043) - Unable to verify digital signature on FlashFXP.exe

and now it wants me to update my key, resulting in

FlashFXP Developer
04-21-2014, 11:57 AM
Re: Updated to FlashFXP 4.4.4 (build 2043) - Unable to verify digital signature on FlashFXP.exe

I did some tests to rule out any problems on our end and as far as I can tell everything appears to be fine.

There are two situations that can result in the error message you are seeing.

1. A unknown software/hardware issue has caused the FlashFXP.exe program file to be come corrupted on your drive.

2. A malicious program is running on your computer and it has modified the FlashFXP.exe.

Are you using any anti-virus software? if so which? is it up to date?

The easiest way to determine if the problem is #2 is to re-install FlashFXP.
When running the installer for the same version as installed you need to select the "repair" option.

You can download FlashFXP directly from the following link

Many features will fail or simply not function when the digital signature check fails this is by design.
FlashFXP Developer
07-17-2014, 08:31 AM
Re: Updated to FlashFXP 4.4.4 (build 2043) - Unable to verify digital signature on FlashFXP.exe

Follow up for future reference.

We determined that a 3rd party software program on the computer for syncing the local drive to the cloud is corrupting the flashfxp.exe during installation while it is trying to sync the flashfxp.exe file to the cloud.

The specific software is provided by one.com and the service is called Bix cloud drive.

The best work around may be to temporarily turn off the cloud sync software when upgrading FlashFXP.
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