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Project: FlashFXP Bug Reports Ticket Tools
ID: 849 Category: FlashFXP Bug
Title: 4.3.0 b1947 Drag and drop slow (4-5 secs) Status: Closed (Fixed / Implemented)
Severity: Minor Version: 4.3 stable

Junior Member
03-22-2013, 10:07 AM
4.3.0 b1947 Drag and drop slow (4-5 secs)


Unfortunately the latest build 1947 has the drag and drop delay again.
(I jumped from build 1944 to 1947)

It is completely the same as the previous bug report.
FlashFXP Developer
03-22-2013, 11:59 AM
Re: 4.3.0 b1947 Drag and drop slow (4-5 secs)

Shortly after you had confirmed that the slowness issue I discovered a slight flaw in the logic that was completely overlooked and as a result the wrong drives were monitored, instead of monitoring C:\ the code was trying to monitor B:\ and D:\ was morning C:\ everything was off by 1.

Let me see what I can come up with, I'll try to get a fix/test build to you ASAP.
Junior Member
03-22-2013, 12:33 PM
Re: 4.3.0 b1947 Drag and drop slow (4-5 secs)

OK, I'll keep an eye on the thread.
FlashFXP Developer
03-22-2013, 01:02 PM
Re: 4.3.0 b1947 Drag and drop slow (4-5 secs)

Please try this dev build and let me know,

just unzip the flashfxp.exe into your FlashFXP program folder.

Junior Member
03-22-2013, 01:08 PM
Re: 4.3.0 b1947 Drag and drop slow (4-5 secs)

This build 1949 works properly.

I get the folder [+] drag and drop mouse icon as expected, no delays.
FlashFXP Developer
03-22-2013, 02:05 PM
Re: 4.3.0 b1947 Drag and drop slow (4-5 secs)

awesome thanks for confirming the fix, I have released 1950 via liveupdate and the website, it removes a few debug messages that were included in the test build.
Junior Member
03-22-2013, 02:09 PM
Re: 4.3.0 b1947 Drag and drop slow (4-5 secs)

Wow, nice

Confirmed 1950 is yet another good one

Appreciate the fast fix!
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